Learn These Easy Tricks To Purify The Air And Rid It Of Bacteria

Air is the engine for the lungs. Breathing is synonymous with life and well-being, but pollution takes away the properties and purity of the air. If you want to breathe pure air, here we will leave you these easy tricks to purify the air and rid it of bacteria.

The feeling of comfort is part of well-being. This will depend on the place where we operate and carry out our social and family activities. Breathing clean air is essential for health.

Air is everywhere and there are places with more polluted air than others. To begin to purify the air and eliminate bacteria, the home will be the first place to generate that feeling of well-being, comfort and security.

A persistent headache, itchy throat, frequent coughing, and sneezing can be warning signs that something is wrong. When these symptoms appear, we must work on those external factors that affect our physical and mental well-being.

Particles like dust, smoke, pollen, mites, bacteria and mold depend on humidity to keep proliferating in the air. These are responsible for many allergic processes and triggering respiratory diseases such as pneumonia or asthma.

We can be carriers of many of these allergenic particles, serving as transport when they accumulate in our hair, clothes and skin. Likewise, certain quite common chemicals in the home such as varnish, paint, repellants and some cleaning products are equally responsible for the appearance of these diseases.

Your well-being and that of yours is not a game. So it is time to take action. Learn these easy tricks to purify the air and rid it of bacteria.

How to purify the air

Ventilate your home

The first hours of the morning are perfect to allow you to open the windows of your home. The pure air and the breeze naturally purify the air, because the process oxygenates the home.

A closed home without ventilation causes the appearance of bacteria, mold and does not allow the elimination of bad odors. If your home has air conditioning, do not leave it on all day and allow natural air to enter the home.

Open doors and windows to help purify the air

Avoid the use of polluting substances

It is important to know which substances to keep in our home and which ones not. Believe it or not, there are substances in routine use that harm our home environment and interfere with proper air purification.

  • Both air fresheners and scented candles are synthetic substances that expel carbon dioxide. After prolonged use, they can affect even the ozone layer.
  • Sofas, blankets, rugs and certain animals are real stores of particles and other pollutants. They work as a transport of volatile substances, hair and feathers that promote the appearance of certain allergic processes.

Cleaning products, which due to their chemical compounds rich in formaldehyde, ammonia and trichlorethylene, have been designated by the WHO as harmful to health. All these substances are volatile, harmful and have a deposit effect in our lungs.

Use natural plants to generate oxygen

There are some plants whose properties can help us eliminate pollutants. Within these we find several quite common.

  • Astyphyllum, peace flower, wind sail, and dead flower are useful for removing formaldehyde.
  • Mother-in-law’s tongue, tiger’s tongue, and sword of St. George are quite useful for removing benzene, trichlorethylene and xylene particles. These compounds are used in stain removers and certain colorants.
  • On the other hand, the bamboo palm removes ammonia and xylene. These elements are used in the manufacture of fertilizers and certain cleaning and cooling products.

It is necessary that we bet on an environmentalist alternative and recreate a natural space in our homes. Likewise, it is essential to reduce the excessive use of these polluting products.

Prevents the appearance of mold and humidity

Changes in temperature and the use of heating as air conditioners are factors that predispose to the appearance of humidity. If you live in an area with a fairly changeable climate, it is necessary to install certain dehumidifiers in your home to prevent the accumulation of moisture and therefore the formation of mold.

A good way to prevent mold growth is to keep walls and floors clean with plenty of water and liquid soap. Also, this will prevent you from contracting diseases.

It is your duty and right to create a home with an ideal environment of tranquility and free of diseases. Bet on these simple alternatives to purify the air and rid it of bacteria.

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