7 Foods To Reduce Abdominal Fat

The diet rich in fiber added to the practice of regular physical exercises, is the healthiest way to lose weight and, in particular, to reduce the accumulated fat in the area abdominal of the body.

The abdomen is usually one of the most difficult areas of the body to tone. A diet rich in fiber added to constant physical exercise is the healthiest way to reduce abdominal fat. Hence the need to pay special attention to food.  For example, it is proven that excessive sugar consumption increases fat in this area.

Like sugary drinks, there are many other foods that should not be consumed if we want to tone this area of ​​the body. It is worth asking yourself then, what foods favor the burning of fat in the abdomen? In this article, we will tell you about them.

1. The watermelon


Watermelon is a fruit low in calories . Eating 100 grams of watermelon per day is equivalent to consuming 30 calories. In view, then, it is not fattening. It is made up mostly of water, which is even more beneficial. Why? Well, because the high consumption of liquid allows reduce cholesterol in general and help reduce the contour of the abdominal area. 

2. The cucumber

It can be consumed both raw and in meals. Also  it is a very low calorie food and is usually an essential supplement in many diets. Cucumber has a high water content and is also used in medicinal treatments, hydration problems, skin conditions, and as an anti-inflammatory.

3. The salmon


Fish and shellfish are a great source of nutrients and vitamins. Salmon, in particular, contributes  a high content of proteins, minerals, omega-3, in addition to vitamin D. 

In this sense, v Several studies have shown that vitamin D is linked to fat reduction  in the abdomen area.  Therefore, consuming foods rich in this vitamin, such as salmon, is important for burning abdominal fat.

4. Legumes

Legumes are rich in soluble fibers and carbohydrates , which helps to reduce the fat that accumulates in the abdominal area.

Soluble fiber reduces the amount of fat in the abdominal region, reducing fat absorption and increasing the feeling of fullness. Of course, they also regulate intestinal transit in a healthy way.

Regular consumption of these types of nutrients is associated with better gut microbiota health. This event is associated with a lower risk of metabolic diseases, according to research published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe.

5. The onion

Onion is also high in soluble fiber. Inulin, one of the fibers contained in onion  acts as a prebiotic.

Prebiotics, according to experts, are a class of substances that enrich the intestinal flora, increasing the metabolism of fats during digestion.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli plate.

Certain kind of vegetables , and especially green vegetables like broccoli, they can contribute to the burning of visceral fat.

Broccoli is an excellent option, which also  provides a high content of calcium to the body. All this, added to the great contribution of vitamin C and K, as well as dietary fibers and minerals.

7. Yogurt

Yogurt has a high protein content and a large amount of probiotics that promote the development of the intestinal flora. Also, a high dose of vitamin B and potassium, which allows to regulate body weight.

Hence, consuming yogurt in snacks, provides a lower calorie consumption than the intake of other types of food and allows, by extension, the reduction of fat in the abdomen.

Eat healthy to reduce the fat accumulated in the abdominal area

As you can see, enriching and improving the diet, including the foods mentioned above, will help reduce and prevent the accumulation of visceral fat.

Recent research indicates that diets rich in cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables are essential to tone the abdominal area.

It is also very important to avoid the consumption of saturated fats present in meats of animal origin, bakery products or packaged and processed foods.

Likewise, it is advisable to include in the diet the consumption of shellfish and fish, as well as olive oil. This benefits the cardiovascular system.

You see: burning abdominal fat is not impossible. Eating better is a great start.

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