Alkaline Diet Why Are They So Fashionable?

If we decide to adopt an alkaline diet, it is important that we do it little by little and do not eliminate all acidic foods at once if we are not used to it. If we fall into this rush, the body could suffer.

“Let food be your medicine and your medicine your food,” said Hippocrates. This is what the famous alkaline diet is about, turning eating into a process that heals your body and that you can enjoy.

This eating plan has the objective that people reduce the consumption of acidic foods  and favor those considered as alkaline. In this way, the body’s pH is regulated and the function of each organ is enhanced to its maximum expression.

In this contest disputed by alkaline foods against acids, those that must prevail on the menu are nuts and everything that is green. For its part, sugar and harmful fats should be forgotten.

Alkaline diet to regulate pH

The alkaline diet has a fundamental philosophy that says that when the cellular environment is acidic, the body can suffer from many diseases and your health worsens. In an alkaline environment, on the other hand, the organism would be in its best state.

  • On the pH scale, 15 are the levels that distinguish the state of the organism.
  • This measurement ranges from 0 to 14, and 7 is the neutral state.
  • From 0 to 6, the acidity values ​​are high; from 8 to 14, the alkaline level reaches its maximum expression.

In this sense, maintaining a regulated pH is vital in the development of our capacities. This factor directly influences blood pressure, metabolic and respiratory processes and the behavior of blood vessels.

On the other hand, the alkaline diet regenerates tissues and deflates the body. In addition, it returns the minerals and nutrients that your body stopped receiving for a long time.

The organism in an imbalance

What is daytime sleepiness or fatigue?

When acidic foods prevail in the diet, there are many consequences that could be regretted over the years. For example, fatigue and the feeling of tiredness will be much more forceful and annoying, and the body may also have problems absorbing minerals and nutrients and regenerating itself.

Did society drive us to “acidosis”?

With the constant information bombardment that the advertising media carry out, many are the strategies that have privileged foods that cause harm.

Products of animal origin with an advertising presence in the media are more and more. Meat, chicken, eggs, dairy, flour, and sugar contain high levels of acids. On the contrary, fresh vegetables do not have as much media impact. You choose!

Products that cause acidity pH

Eating meat increases blood pressure

There are various products and foods that trigger different diseases that slowly harm us. For example, drugs are acid generators. Likewise, the sweeteners that some choose to dispose of sugar also cause damage, forming particles with extreme levels of acidity.

In general, as we have already explained, acidic foods are: meats, cereals, legumes, chicken, fish and eggs. Therefore, one of the best decisions you can make in your life is to immediately correct the pH imbalance.

The alkaline side of pH

In the alkaline diet, you must consume 80% of foods with this characteristic. After recovering your conditions and feeling comfortable with the results, you can maintain the pH balance with a distribution of 60% – 40%.

The most common alkaline foods are the following:

  • Fruit.
  • Vegetables.
  • Seeds.
  • Nuts.
  • Spices and condiments.

Four benefits of the alkaline diet

According to followers of the alkaline diet, it is capable of providing four specific benefits, which are described in greater detail below.

1. Anti-aging

With this eating plan, what is sought is to achieve a pH of 7.36, which vitalizes the cells. On the other hand, with an acidic diet, these deteriorate and accelerate aging.

2. Greater energy

With the nutrients and minerals that you will provide to the body, cellular functioning will improve considerably. In this way, minerals such as potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium will be an injection of pure energy for the body.

3. Stronger immune system

In an acidic environment, your blood will be the ideal place to host viruses, bacteria and, therefore, diseases. On the contrary, in an alkaline environment, you will be more fortified.

4. Ideal weight

Although weight loss is not the main purpose of this diet, its practice brings these results. After adopting this type of diet, you will burn fat quickly and you may achieve your ideal size.

Tips for a good alkaline diet

It is important to keep a few suggestions in mind before incorporating this meal plan into your routine:

  • Start small: Eliminating all acidic foods at once will have a negative impact. This should be a slow transition; remember that it is the beginning of a new lifestyle.
  • 80-20 Distribution: You do not want to see the results quickly and do not even think about eating pure alkaline foods. Treat yourself when you can, nothing will happen. Divide your plate with 80% alkaline foods and 20% with acidic foods.
  • Replace food: Swap the rice for brown rice or quinoa. All traditional recipes can have their alkaline version.

Finally, remember to consult a specialist’s opinion at all times, since not all organisms have the same conditions and their needs may differ. Also, don’t forget the exercise and, of course, enjoy the process.

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