Food, Collagen And Skin

Collagen is a very important protein in our body. Its main function is to hold together the different structures of the body. That is, it would act as a support element that allows the whole body to be held together.

Its function consists in the formation of fibers from which the structures of the body are created. Thus, it can be said that it is responsible for the degree of firmness and elasticity of these structures and also has a fundamental role in their hydration. As we age, collagen begins to weaken and disappear, leading to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and folds, especially on the face.

It is estimated that by age 40 the body produces half as much collagen as in adolescence. This reduction in production levels causes not only a loss of elasticity in the skin, but also pain in the joints and muscles, osteoporosis, deterioration of sight and discomfort in teeth and gums among other problems.

This is why it is important to help the body maintain its collagen levels, especially with age. In any case, before taking any type of supplement or product, it is essential to consult the specific case with a professional who assesses the situation. In addition, it is essential to attend to nutrition and its implication in this problem. Next we develop the importance of diet in relation to collagen.

Routine to replenish collagen

Is it possible to help the body to replenish its collagen levels?

As we mentioned earlier, the main function of collagen is to create and maintain the structures of the tissues that make up the body, including the skin. That is, properties such as the firmness and flexibility of the skin depend on this element. And not only the appearance of the skin depends on collagen, but also that of the nails or hair.

However, with aging, the natural production of collagen is irretrievably reduced. Although thanks to the scientific advance that we have experienced in recent decades, a series of products has been produced that help, to some extent, to restore the levels of this substance.

In fact, as explained in a publication by Clinical Interventions in Agin g, the use of collagen supplements or peptides can help to slow down the aging process of the skin, reducing the presence of wrinkles and dryness.

In particular, the so-called “hydrolyzed collagen” is known. This is an artificial product that has gone through a hydrolysis process. This is the breakdown of certain molecules that favors collagen being absorbed by the body. This is usually found on the market as collagen powder, although collagen pills are also available.

In any case, these types of products should not be consumed without the recommendation of a professional.

Food and collagen

However, not only artificial products can have an impact on the skin and collagen. Nutrition also plays an important role in this regard. It is worth mentioning that following a proper diet and good lifestyle habits the body tends to always stay strong and healthy.

It is important to know what properties certain natural foods contain and to use them in our favor. Thus, the consumption of foods that contain collagen can help the regulation and recovery of skin tissues.

There are no scientific studies that support the direct incidence of these foods in terms of collagen production, although they are usually recommended by professionals for their natural benefits.

Foods that provide collagen to the skin

In the first place, reference is always made to heavy blue and meat.

Meat is one of the best sources of collagen that we can find since it helps our body have enough amino acids so that cartilage and joints are in good condition. Specifically, turkey, chicken and rabbit stand out.

On the other hand, oily fish stands out for its high content of omega 3 fatty acids, which prevent cellular oxidation and act as a powerful anti-inflammatory. These also have a significant impact on bone and skin health.

In the same way, we must highlight the properties that lemon contains, a fruit with high amounts of vitamin C, a natural antioxidant. Lemons also contribute to the production of collagen and, therefore, help our skin rejuvenate.

Finally, it is worth noting the properties of nuts. Consuming a small amount of walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, hazelnuts or chestnuts every day can be a good way to take care of your skin. This is due to its high content of omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids, which help stimulate collagen production.

A good way to include nuts in the diet is usually in the middle of the morning to help eliminate hunger, replacing ultra-processed products or industrial pastries, foods that do not contribute anything good to the body.

We recommend that you always choose a good diet, learn to make good use of the natural foods that we have and in any case, always consult a specialist with any questions or concerns about health and nutrition.

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