7 Natural Remedies For Heartburn And Acid Reflux

It is advisable to consume fermented foods regularly to get enough beneficial bacteria. This would help balance the intestinal flora, to try to naturally fight the H.pylori bacteria.

Acid reflux is a fairly common problem, characterized by heartburn. This sensation is felt behind the breastbone and sometimes reaches the throat; even, sometimes, the pain can be very intense.

Many consider that the cause of this discomfort is excessive amounts of acid in the stomach.  For this reason, medications that block heartburn are often recommended. However, in some cases, this concept has not been correct.

Acid reflux

The problem usually occurs due to having little acid in the stomach. With this in mind, proton pump inhibitors – PPIs – tend to make the problem worse. This is the reason why it is often perceived that the sensation is more acute when taking the medicine.

On the other hand, this symptom is commonly  related to hiatal hernia and infection by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ).

Sometimes acid reflux progresses to a more serious form of reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GER). In these cases, heartburn is common, so it is necessary to see a doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment, or recommend some changes in lifestyle.

To control heartburn and acid reflux, some natural remedies that are believed to improve symptoms have also been used for centuries. Here are some of them that could support medical treatment to control heartburn and acid reflux, provided the doctor supports it.

Natural remedies that could control acid reflux

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple vinager

As we mentioned, acid reflux occurs when there is very little acid in the stomach. Apple cider vinegar is a popular remedy used to improve the acid content in the stomach. However, there is still no conclusive evidence on its effectiveness.

You can consult with your doctor its use and take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a large glass of water.

2. Baking soda

Sodium bicarbonate

The properties of sodium bicarbonate help neutralize stomach acids, especially when there is that burning sensation produced by acid reflux.

The results of one study suggest that bicarbonate may be an effective and safe way to reduce common symptoms associated with reflux. However, its use should be consulted with a doctor.

In such a case, just dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it immediately. Its consumption on a regular basis is not recommended, but it can be drunk in case the pain is unbearable.

3. Aloe vera juice

aloe vera

Aloe vera juice has properties that may help reduce stomach inflammation. According to research, aloe vera may help alleviate reflux symptoms.

It is recommended to drink half a cup of aloe vera juice before each meal. Of course, it is very important to make it clear that this juice has a laxative effect, so you should not overdo it.

4. Ginger root


Ginger is a root that is credited with gastroprotective properties that help block acid and suppress Helicobacter pylori bacteria . There is some data showing possible potential to improve reflux symptoms.

To take advantage of its properties, it is recommended to prepare a ginger tea by adding 2 or 3 slices of ginger in two cups of hot water.  Afterwards, it is left to rest and is preferably drunk 20 minutes before each meal.

5. Betaine

Another option to try to improve this problem is to take the betaine hydrochloric supplement, which can be purchased in health food stores . This supplement may help the body digest food better .

6. Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in the treatment of any infectious agent. According to some data, vitamin D could exert a gastroprotective effect to improve symptoms, although more research is needed in this regard.

To increase vitamin D levels, appropriate sun exposure is recommended. You can also buy an oral vitamin D supplement, but remember that it will be necessary to increase your intake of vitamin K2.

Other tips

In order to try to repair heartburn and acid indigestion, it is important to restore natural gastric balance and function. For this, the professional may recommend eating vegetables and other high-quality foods, preferably organic.

As a final recommendation, it is convenient to consume fermented foods regularly to get enough beneficial bacteria. This would help balance the intestinal flora, to try to naturally fight the H.pylori bacteria .

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