6 Ways To Improve Body Posture

Do you spend a lot of time sitting every day? In this article you can learn 6 useful tips that will help you improve your body posture.

Improving posture isn’t just good for looking good. It is something that we must do also for health reasons. Did you know that adopting a correct posture makes breathing easier and that this in turn provides you with great well-being? Did you think that good postural hygiene only helped prevent muscle and bone ailments?

Correcting the posture we adopt, for example, when sitting, is something that is especially important to prevent multiple health problems, not only muscle or bone. It is also convenient because it helps us not to accentuate the “belly” and much more.

Next we will introduce you to 6 simple ways to improve your body posture on a day-to-day basis.

What is the first thing to know to correct body posture?

The back, waist and pelvis play a very important role in correcting posture. However, many times we insist on “straightening our back”, but we forget to place the pelvis in a suitable position (in a relaxed and natural way) and not to “drop” all our weight on the waist when we bend over on the computer or carry out any other activity.

In general, the people who tend to adopt the worst postures are those who spend many hours sitting or lead a sedentary lifestyle. However, many people who lead a somewhat more active lifestyle may adopt poor posture without knowing it. Thus, they end up with discomfort and even injuries.

How many times have we not heard someone say that carrying a heavy object injured their back? How many times have we not complained because we have tried to do some sit-ups and we end up with the body destroyed? This is because we did not maintain correct postural hygiene when executing the movements.

So the first step to remedying ailments is to learn more about what it means to have good postural hygiene in any activity (and even at rest) and adopt the recommendations of the experts. It would also be advisable to consult with the doctor and follow his instructions, especially in case of having scoliosis or some type of similar condition.

Straightening your back, the first step to improve posture

What is low back pain?

The back is usually the part of the body where poor posture is most noticeable. This is because the muscles of the middle back contract, unlike the muscles of the upper back, which weaken.

That kind of forward bend, commonly known as a “hump,” is the visible consequence of poor back posture. We tend to adopt it not only when we are sitting. We also usually have it when walking and when we are standing.

To correct the posture of the back, you must take into account:

  • When you sit for a long time, you should constantly perform stretching exercises. Thus, you will avoid curving and, above all, contractures due to lack of mobility.
  • Try to stand tall when standing.
  • Try to contract your abdomen while keeping your back straight; especially when you are walking or sitting.

Straightening your shoulders, a key point

The incorrect posture of the back usually conditions the bad posture of the shoulders. In general, people who sit for a long time tend to have a more difficult time keeping their back straight. This has a negative effect on the position of the shoulders.

To improve shoulder posture, do stretching exercises to relieve pressure on your chest.

Remember that the shoulders should be slightly back. This will force you to push your chest forward. Be careful, you don’t have to exaggerate and adopt an unnatural posture. You also don’t have to get to the point of feeling pain doing it.

Relax the neck muscles, more than necessary

Woman in gym doing neck exercise

A prolonged bad posture in time could cause the neck muscles to begin to contract.

The neck is one of the areas of the body most prone to tension and pain. When we distort the natural posture of the neck, the head leans forward with respect to the body axis.

  • To begin with, you should try to keep your head aligned with your back. Practice, especially, when you are sitting.
  • A good massage around the neck will help you release tension. Once you feel relaxed, try to stay upright. This will help the muscles stay stretched.
  • When sitting, try to keep your neck straight and your chin slightly up.

    Taking care of your body posture when walking is also essential

    Lastly, remember to maintain a correct posture while walking. Many people look hunchbacked when walking because they forget to keep their backs straight and avoid hunching over. Maintaining good walking posture can help you look slimmer. The body will appreciate it too; you will feel more rested.

    • Keep your waist, back, and neck aligned.
    • The steps must be neither too long nor too short.
    • Try to match the movements, so that you move your right arm and left foot at the same time, and vice versa.

    In short, far from what it might seem, it is not that difficult to adopt a good posture. Although many parts of the body are involved, it would be enough to follow the previous recommendations: make the shoulders and hips are aligned and the chin is at a right angle to the neck.

    If you have any concerns, remember that you can always consult with your GP or physical therapist.

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