The 7 Best Tips To Combat Circulation Problems In The Legs

To improve circulation in the legs it is convenient that, when we get home at the end of the day, we put them up for a few minutes so promote venous return.

Over time, and due to different factors, circulation in the legs worsens. With this, we can feel heaviness and see how varicose veins or cellulite appear. Therefore, poor circulation is something that we must combat both for an aesthetic issue and for health.

Here we share the 7 best tips to combat circulation problems in the legs.

Tips to improve circulation in the legs

Girl tying her shoes about to run.

1. Fight sedentary lifestyle

The first step, and also the most logical, to improve circulation in the legs is to put them in motion on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, more and more people are leading too sedentary lives. They can sit for long hours without moving, which is very dangerous for their long-term health.

We must propose not to spend more than an hour sitting. We can even set an alarm so we don’t forget. It is enough to get up and do some stretching or take the opportunity to run an errand, drink water, go to the bathroom, etc.

Discover: Is it better to run or walk?

2. Improve posture

People who, on the other hand, spend many hours on their feet, must also take care of their posture. Sitting is just as damaging as standing with improper body posture. This is very important for those who work in shops, etc.

If we need it, we can go to some postural reeducation therapy to help us relearn how to walk, stand, bend over, gain weight, breathe, etc. All those basic issues that we have been getting worse. In this way, the circulation in the legs will improve in a short time.

3. Walk, jump, go up and down

Whenever we can, we must choose to move. Escalators, elevators and armchairs should leave the limelight to the limelight to go up and down stairs, walk fast, jump… Any time is a good time to do it.

In addition to practicing sports two or three times a week, it is important to be active during the day. In the same way of the children, who are sitting and at the moment they are running, we too must maintain a dynamic attitude.

4. Eat red foods

Food has different health properties depending on its color. Red foods, for example, contain antioxidants and are therefore said to improve circulation and prevent cardiovascular disease.

Therefore, we must eat healthy and fresh food every day. And if possible, also those that are rich in lycopene and anthocyanins:

  • Watermelon.
  • Cherry.
  • Red grape.
  • Radish.
  • Tomato.
  • Berries.
  • Red pepper.
  • Red Apple.

5. Drink water at all hours

Drinking water can help us prevent so many disorders that we should not underestimate this advice. If we want the body fluids to flow, we must drink water at all times, but always on an empty stomach, outside of meals.

We must drink at least one and a half liters of water to stay well hydrated. If it costs us a lot, we can start with some infusions, fruit drinks and lemonades without sugar. The key is to always have a glass or bottle close by. Every time we look at it, we should have a good drink.

6. Wear the right footwear

Wearing comfortable shoes helps reduce foot discomfort.

In many cases, circulation problems in the legs appear due to inappropriate footwear. They can be high-heeled shoes, too narrow, too short … Footwear is the support of the foot, and this is the basis of the body’s weight. To improve circulation it must be adequate.

Every now and then we should take off our shoes and enjoy the benefits of walking barefoot on the beach sand, on the dirt or on the grass. This is a relief for the legs while discharging us from electromagnetic pollution.

7. Relax when you get home

Finally, when we get home we can shower with cold water, or at least our legs. We can also  apply some oil or cream with ingredients that improve circulation : cypress, rosemary, cinnamon, witch hazel, horse chestnut, etc.

Before going to bed we can put our legs up for a while, for example, perpendicular to the wall. We can also sleep with our legs slightly elevated with the help of a cushion. In fact, there are specific cushions for this purpose that provide great relief and help us get up with perfect legs.

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