Coconut And Almond Milk Handmade Soap To Take Care Of Your Skin

If we want to obtain a quality homemade soap it is important that we try to obtain organic ingredients, since refined products do not have the same properties

The use of artisan soap has become quite popular in recent times. Not only because its ingredients are natural, but because it contains nutrients that benefit the health of the skin.

Taking into account that many want to try them, in the next space we want to show you how to prepare one with coconut and almond milk. It is a formula suitable for all skin types, ideal for correcting imperfections and regulating the natural pH. Don’t stop trying it!

Although there is a wide variety of skin cleansing products on the market, many are preferring these types of options. The reason is that, being free of harsh chemicals, they are healthier.

The most interesting thing is that they are inexpensive and easy to prepare recipes. In addition, its ingredients can be found in herbalists and cosmetic stores.

Handmade coconut and almond milk soap

Handmade coconut and almond milk soap

Coconut and almond milk handmade soap is a natural product, rich in fatty acids and antioxidants. These nutrients, after being assimilated into the skin, facilitate the cell regeneration process.

  • Rich in vitamins A, C and E, it is a revitalizing product that helps to deeply nourish the skin. In addition, it reduces the aggressions caused by free radicals in the environment.
  • These nutrients support the production of collagen and elastin. They are substances that help keep the dermis firm and young.
  • It has significant amounts of minerals and amino acids. Both are necessary to repair tissues from damage caused by the sun and toxins.
  • Its omega 3 fatty acids prevent premature cellular aging.  In addition, they minimize the negative effects of inflammation.
  • Due to its contribution of healthy fats, it is ideal for keeping the skin hydrated and luminous.
  • Although it contains oils, it does not alter the activity of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, it does not cause excessive sebum production.
  • Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds provide a protective effect against acne and allergies.
  • It serves as a complement to exfoliants, as it softens the hardness of the skin and removes dead cells.
  • Finally, it is ideal for reducing the appearance of scars and blemishes.

How to prepare this handmade soap?

handmade coconut and almond milk soap

To keep your skin soft, hydrated and free of impurities, you can prepare this handmade soap. For a small price, it complements your beauty routine.

Try to buy 100% natural ingredients. Also,  refined options do not have the same nutritional quality.

Finally, keep in mind that, in addition to coconut and almond milk, we will include other healthy ingredients that also provide benefits. Discover them below.


  • ½ cup of caustic soda (100 g)
  • ½ cup of organic coconut oil (100 g)
  • 1 cup of almond milk (250 ml)
  • ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil (100 g)
  • 3 tablespoons of castor oil (45 g)


  • Wooden spoon
  • Heat resistant pot or container
  • Soap bar molds
  • Gloves and goggles
  • Manual shaker


  • To start, put on gloves and goggles to protect yourself before handling the caustic soda.
  • Next, pour the almond milk into a large container and, little by little, add the caustic soda.
  • Next, stir the ingredients with a wooden spoon and make sure they are well integrated.
  • After obtaining it, reserve them while you prepare the other ingredients.
  • Then, add the organic coconut oil to a saucepan and take it to a double boiler.
  • When it is melted, mix it with the olive oil and castor oil.
  • Let them rest for a few minutes and add them to the almond milk and soda mixture.
  • Continue stirring with the wooden utensil and, if you want to give it a better consistency, process it with a hand mixer.
  • When ready, pour it over the molds and let it rest until solid.
  • Finally, for best results, put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After this time, leave it at room temperature for the same time before using it.

Application mode

Handmade coconut and almond milk soap

  • After removing the soap from the molds, moisten the skin and apply it with gentle massages.
  • Use it every day, during the shower or in the night rinse.

Do conventional soaps irritate or dry out your skin? Try this natural product and see that you can keep your skin clean and looking smooth and hydrated.

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