Keys To Reducing Overweight With Diet

Modify your eating habits to lose weight and improve your health. We tell you that you must vary in the diet to reduce the body’s fat percentage.

Reducing overweight with diet is not impossible, you just have to know what are the keys that allow you to lose weight. Believe it or not, making some changes to your eating habits may be what you need to reach a healthy weight. This condition will contribute to improving the state of health and reducing the incidence of complex diseases.

In this article, we will give you some tips so that you can modify your diet in order to reduce your intake of empty calories, while maintaining good nutrition.

Keys to reducing overweight with diet

The first thing you should do is check that you are overweight. To do this, you can calculate the body mass index. It is obtained by dividing the weight in kg times height squared [(weight in kg / (height x height)].

Let’s take an example: Let’s suppose that Maria is 1.65 m tall and weighs 60 kg. Your BMI would be calculated: 60 / (1.65 × 1.65) = 22.04. In this case, your BMI would be normal. If, on the other hand, he weighed 70 kg, his BMI would be 25.72, that is, he would be overweight. Let’s see below the information table of the body index mass:

  • Less than 18.4 = underweight.
  • Between 18.5 and 24.9 = normal weight.
  • Between 25 and 29.9 = overweight.
  • Greater than 30 = obesity.

Calculate your body mass index and if you are overweight, do not miss the keys to modify your eating habits that we will present below so that you can reduce overweight with the diet.

Tips for modifying your diet

A few slight changes to your diet may be all you need to lose those extra pounds and regain the figure you’ve always dreamed of. Take a pen and paper to take notes.

1. Choose lean cuts of meat

lean meats

By buying and consuming lean cuts, you make sure to reduce your fat intake. In this way, the caloric intake of the diet is significantly reduced, causing an energy imbalance in favor of spending. However, you should not obsess over this. Lipids are essential nutrients to maintain vital functions. A regular supply of them is necessary to avoid the development of pathologies. Only those of the trans type should be limited. This is stated by research published in the journal  Lipids in Health and Disease.

2. Avoid eating foods rich in saturated fat

Cold cuts and bacon are loved by most of us. They are tasty but also high in saturated fat! We know that avoiding them indefinitely is extremely difficult. Therefore, we recommend you consume them sporadically and in moderation.

3. Birds are better without skin

Are you one of those people who enjoys eating chicken skin? Well, the time has come to put this habit aside. Remove the skin to avoid consuming excess saturated fat.

4. Eat fish 3 times a week

Replace some of your foods based on red meat with fish. In this way, you will increase the supply of Omega 3 fatty acids that are very beneficial for the body.

These lipids are capable of reducing inflammation and cardiovascular risk, according to research published in  The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 

5. Choose skimmed dairy

Nutritionists advise consuming 2 to 3 daily servings of dairy to ensure the recommended dose of calcium. It is not recommended to choose skimmed varieties in this case, but those products from lactic fermentation are. These contain probiotics capable of improving the quality of the microbiota.

6. Cheeses, better lean!


Who doesn’t like tasty cheeses? The problem is that they usually have a much higher level of fat. If you’re trying to lose weight, choose lean cheeses like ricotta, mozzarella, feta, or fresh. Of course, you can eat fatty cheeses in a moderate and sporadic way.

7. Include eggs in your diet

In the past, eggs had a bad name because they were believed to increase bad cholesterol. At present, it has been proven that the egg provides protein of high biological value and it is recommended to consume it several times a week, always opting for its cooked or soaked varieties.

8. Eat cereals, legumes and tubers every day

These foods should be included in weight loss diets, as they mainly provide complex carbohydrates. This component helps to restrict appetite by providing a longer-lasting feeling of fullness. If possible, choose whole grain varieties for a higher fiber intake that will help you avoid constipation.

9. Say goodbye to pastries and sweets

Cakes, croissants and sweets do not provide nutrients to your body. They are one of the main foods to limit to reduce overweight with the diet and, for this reason, they are at the top of the food pyramid. Opt for fruit bread instead.

10. Water as a drink of choice

Woman drinking a glass of water

Did you know that soda and sugary drinks the only thing they contribute to the body are empty calories ? As you read, drinking a soda does not satisfy your appetite, even if you are ingesting calories!

11. Olive oil instead of butter

Olive oil is a healthy fat that should be present in the vast majority of meals. The butter, leave it in the supermarket! Its caloric intake is much higher and also, we are talking about saturated fat.

12. Vegetables and fruits every day

The basis of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. They provide your body with all the necessary nutrients with a low caloric index.

They are also healthy foods that consumed regularly can help reduce the risk of death from all causes. This association is reflected in a review published in the  International Journal of Epidemiology.

13. Includes nuts

In a moderate way, you can include nuts in your salads, as they increase the feeling of satiety. We insist with moderation since they are very caloric and should not be abused.

14. Choose the cooking of your food well

The cooking methods grilled, oven or the papillote need little fat to take place and for this reason, should be your chosen. Forget about fried foods, sauces and batters, at least on a regular basis!

Improve your diet to reduce excess weight

Reducing weight with diet is possible as long as you are willing to change some bad eating habits. Of course, the ideal is to combine a healthy diet with regular physical exercise. Consult your doctor for advice appropriate to your caloric needs, age, and physical condition.

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