Benefits Of Drinking Water Daily

It is recommended to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day. However, this amount may depend on your complexion, health, and physical activity.

Drinking water is essential for our life, since it is of great importance for the health and wellbeing of every human being. In fact, no living thing could survive without this precious liquid.

To get an idea, human beings have 65% to 75% of their weight in water, although the percentage becomes less as we grow. Doctors suggest that you should drink 6 or 8 glasses of water per day ; however, this amount may depend on your complexion, health, and physical activity.

Likewise, it is important to consider that the water content can also be provided by fruits, vegetables and juices. However, how beneficial is drinking water? In the following article we will tell you.

It would help to lose weight

Water is considered one of the main tools to lose weight, as it would help reduce hunger, it does not contain fat, calories, or sugar. If you drink it frequently, you would be favoring your diet to lose weight.

In fact, an extensive study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found an association between water intake and weight loss when looking at certain research. However, the data in this regard are not conclusive since others did not yield the same results.

Either way, many experts recommend drinking water a half hour before meals to help you feel fuller and eat a smaller portion of food.

I would help your heart

The brain is strongly influenced by the state of hydration. Studies show that even mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight) can affect many aspects of brain function, including memory, attention, visual stimuli, and even mood.

It would prevent the headache

Dehydration may trigger headaches and migraines in some people. Several studies have suggested that water might ease headaches in those who are dehydrated. However, this seems to depend on the type of headache.

It would improve digestion


Low water intake appears to be a risk factor for constipation in young and old individuals. This is because the digestive system needs a good amount of water for proper digestion.

It is believed that drinking water often would solve heartburn difficulties. In addition, consuming water along with fiber would help improve constipation. Increasing your fluid intake is often recommended as part of treating this discomfort.

Healthy and youthful skin

Healthy skin

When we ingest water, we will regularly see the changes our skin gets. It will look more radiant, smoother and, at the same time, it would greatly avoid dryness, as suggested by various investigations.

Against aging

It is believed that aging can be associated with drying out or loss of water, which affects the body’s tissues, but especially the skin. For this reason, it is recommended to drink enough water every day.

Do not forget!

Studies have shown that people who drink the recommended amount of water per day, live healthier and happier lives, since it would reduce impulses that lead to the consumption of harmful foods.

Finally, remember that water is vital, so you should consider it as a very important part of your daily routine, as it will make you feel much better when drinking it, and thereby improve your health. To drink water!

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