Writing Helps To Close Wounds

Writing helps you express everything that happens inside you. The pain, the disappointment, the sadness, the desolation … We know that it is just a sheet of paper and a pencil, but it is so liberating that you will not be able to stop doing it.

Would you like to live this Experience? Do you want to know if writing serves as a way to let off steam? Ink that transforms into what your interior screams. Words that pass by telling stories that are left behind …

Write about emotions

Write love notes to your children.

Almost everyone needs to vent, say what they feel, talk about what is happening to them. However, talking is not the same as writing. When you start to cover that blank sheet with thoughts crowding your brain, it all starts to make sense.

Let us not forget that when we are bad and the world is upon us, we are plunged into chaos from which it is almost impossible to get out. We have a great variety of emotions that run through us and make us assume and worry excessively, also a liberating cry but that does not fill us at all …

Writing not only helps you put those disastrous ideas on paper, but it allows you to order them, give them the meaning that you never thought you could find them.

Think, for example, that you are going through a very painful stage with respect to your love relationships. You are not able to know what is happening. You just feel, you despair, you end up full of anxiety and doubts. What’s happening to me? What is happening to me? Write…

Once all the words are on the paper, you can read them as many times as you need. You will be amazed to discover what was really happening.

It is possible that you discover that you suffer from emotional dependence, that you are accepting a situation that you do not like, that you are with someone with whom you do not really want to be.

Those written thoughts will reveal the crudest of realities. However, thanks to them, you will be able to find a way to calm down.

Accelerate the healing process

Every negative experience causes us a deep wound. The longer we’ve been ignoring it, the bigger it’s gotten. That is why writing is so important. This way you will realize what is really happening to you.

It doesn’t matter if the above example is one of your problems. The death of a loved one, a job dismissal, an argument… All these circumstances deserve your release through words.

Because it will not only allow you to see what is happening with greater clarity, but because it will accelerate the healing process. Each word is like a balm for your wound. This happens because, by writing, we release tension, stress and anxiety.

Many people are not capable of writing good stories or making deep poems if their emotions are not on the surface. This happens because during that state, everything flows better.

  • Words come out easily, because it is not our logic that speaks, but our feelings.
  • Those who need to express themselves, in whatever way, through nonsensical words or incoherent phrases.

Write expressively

If you have tried this way of writing but have not obtained the appropriate results, it may be because you have not carried out expressive writing.

There are many individuals who, when they write, think too much;  they want to build coherent sentences, that everything is well explained.

It’s not about this. To write expressively is to capture everything that goes through your mind as is. No additives, no formulas … Simply letting the chaos out.

It does not matter that what you write does not make sense, it will when you return to your words. It will be then when you realize what happens.

If you still can’t get a precise meaning out of it, wait a few days and go back to those letters. By giving it time and space, you will be able to see what was happening to you from another perspective.

Writing is one of the most effective means of getting rid of stress and putting our life in order when it needs it. It is a way of venting with oneself and making sense of what at first did not seem to have it.

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