Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome is a disorder associated with a sensation of intense and chronic pain. It is a nuisance that appears over a long period of time, thus lasting weeks, months and even years. Its causes can be multiple and its treatment varied (in fact, it may require a multidisciplinary team).

Causes and symptoms

We can point to numerous causes or triggers that can produce complex regional pain syndrome:

  • Surgical interventions or surgeries.
  • Injuries or trauma to the extremities: sprains, fractures, etc.
  • Alterations or abnormalities in the nerves that make up the nervous system or SN.
  • It has not yet been proven whether the disorder has a genetic component.

Complex regional pain syndrome

The patient suffering from complex regional pain syndrome usually experiences:

  • Pain or discomfort that varies in intensity and usually occurs in the limbs of the subject (especially in the feet and hands). It is also the most characteristic symptom.
  • Inflammation or swelling in the affected regions.
  • Alterations in the skin in terms of color since it can present red, blue or white tones. This region can also become sensitive to cold or touch and be sweaty at certain times of the day.
  • Problems in the growth of the hair and of the nails in the altered extremities.
  • Difficulty performing movements that involve the affected regions. They may also experience spasms and a decrease in muscle tone in the area.

Diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome

On the other hand, a specific test for the diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome has not yet been developed. However, the medical team can implement a series of procedures to detect this pathology and rule out others with similar characteristics. For example:

  • Physical exam. In it, specialists can check the symptoms that the subject may experience. Likewise, the medical history and antecedents (relatives who have suffered the same alteration) will be checked.
  • Obtaining internal images. For example, we include Magnetic Resonance (or MRI), the use of X-rays and bone scans of affected joints. As a general rule, the disease produces bone problems that can be detected by the last test.
  • Tests to detect disorders in the Sympathetic Nervous System. They check temperature, blood flow, perspiration, etc. of problem regions.

Treatment of complex regional pain syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome

The objective of the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome will be to calm the symptoms that may arise and restore the quality of life  of the patient. Among the most common we can highlight:

  • The use of drugs or medications. They can be analgesic compounds (to relieve pain), anticonvulsants, anti-inflammatories and to maintain the bone mass of damaged bones. Also, the medical team may recommend applying creams or patches to the problem area (local treatment).
  • Physiotherapy and biofeedback. Gentle exercises are performed to regain mobility of the joint. Relaxation techniques are also taught to relieve any discomfort.
  • Application of heat or cold to regulate changes in temperature and reduce swelling.
  • Nerve stimulation that can be applied to both the injured limbs and the spinal cord. In the case of the spinal cord, small electrodes are inserted and an electrical current of controlled intensity is applied. Thus, chronic pain is calmed even temporarily.

Is it possible to prevent it?

Complex regional pain syndrome

On the other hand, all the risk factors that increase the chances of developing this disease have not yet been identified. However, we can follow a series of recommended guidelines to maintain our health and improve our quality of life.

For example, following a balanced and adequate diet along with moderate physical activities. It is also advisable to avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcoholism or the consumption of other toxic substances (such as drugs).

Final comments

If you suffer from any of the signs or symptoms mentioned above, we recommend that you consult your medical team as soon as possible in order to rule out the existence of pathology. Either way, a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of disease and increases survival in the general population.

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