Why Diet Should Be A Lifestyle And Not An Effort Of Months

Adopting a diet is not something temporary, but healthy eating must become a lifestyle to achieve that change be real and last in time.

To understand why diet should be a lifestyle and not an effort of months, we only have to understand that, by avoiding bad eating habits, we will stay in shape and enjoy good health.

The World Health Organization (WHO) maintains that unhealthy lifestyles are the direct cause of 1.6 million deaths annually worldwide, caused by non-communicable diseases. In this sense, maintaining a healthy lifestyle should not be an option, but a duty. For this reason, we will show that losing weight takes more than just the desire to do so.

Diet should be a lifestyle

Diet should be a lifestyle

The WHO ensures that a healthy life is one in which there is a balance between the physical, mental and social. This is not limited to eating a good diet or exercising consistently; in addition, the mental and emotional state must be taken care of.

For this reason, it is necessary to work on the following aspects to achieve the state of well-being. They will allow us to fully commit ourselves to food and health in general.

Keys to a healthy life

1. Balanced and balanced diet

Complying with a healthy diet does not mean depriving yourself of certain foods, but knowing how to consume them in their proper measure. We must remember that all the foods that make up the nutritional pyramid must be part of our diet, some to a greater extent than others.

Limiting excessively sweet foods can have a health benefit, according to research published in the Journal of Hepatology. This does not mean that they cannot be consumed from time to time.

2. Physical exercise

For a balanced diet to generate the results we want to see in the body, it is essential that daily exercise is also part of our lifestyle. Diet and exercise go hand in hand.

It is not necessary to practice any specific sport or dedicate long hours to physical activity. Just walking 30 minutes a day is enough to help your body burn the calories you ingested during the day.

Anyway, remember that practicing strength exercise has beneficial effects on your health. Experts recommend its practice to avoid muscle loss.

3. Mental balance

Balancing emotional and mental well-being is critical to developing social skills, brain activity, and optimism.

It is scientifically proven that those who enjoy a good state of comfort reduce stress, anxiety and fatigue, among other symptoms of poor mental health.

Likewise, social activity is also essential for well-being. All this is a chain that will help us turn our diets into a lifestyle.

4. Food

Each of the aforementioned aspects is directly related to food. As we already said, diet should be a lifestyle. This is because through food we obtain:

  • The necessary nutrients that give us energy for daily activities.
  • Emotional and social stability.

One of the most common mistakes when starting a diet is seeing it as a method to lose a certain amount of kilos, when in fact it should become a habit.

That is why it is very common for many people to give up when they do not get the results they want immediately. They do not assume this new responsibility as such, but they see it as one more companion.

Diet tips

Healthy life

If you think that the diet should be a lifestyle and not a simple effort of months, we recommend that you assume the following recommendations.

1. Commit!

Either to lose weight, improve eating habits or stay healthy. Whatever the reason, it is imperative that you start your diet by making a commitment to yourself.

Many people find it helpful to make a contract to put the commitment they just made in writing. There you can capture the objectives. Among them may be:

  • Amount of weight you want or need to lose.
  • The dates when the objectives will be met.
  • Old unhealthy habits to be replaced by good ones.
  • A plan for regular physical activity.

Likewise, it will help you to write down the reasons why you decided to follow a balanced and balanced diet. In this way, you will have a daily reminder that will propel you towards your goal.

2. Be realistic about everything

Try to set short-term goals and reward your efforts throughout this process.

For example, if your long-term goal is to lose 20 kilos and control your high blood pressure, you can set short-term diet or exercise goals. These may include eating breakfast, taking a thirty minute walk in the afternoon, or consuming salads for dinner.

Turn diet into a lifestyle to improve health

Remember that small changes in your daily routine will allow you to achieve great results in the long term. That way you will stay healthy and feel better about yourself. If you have doubts, seek professional advice and do not forget to combine a good diet with the practice of physical exercise on a daily basis.

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