6 Natural Remedies To Treat Infected Nails

Trauma, constant exposure to moisture and the use of closed shoes are factors that contribute to the development of nail infections.

Infected nails are a problem that can arise not only from poor hygiene, but from other bad habits. In some cases, they can present with pain and other discomfort, therefore, it is essential to treat them from the first moment. 

Failure to treat it could lead to an infection whose symptoms could range from hardening of the adjacent area to breaking the affected nail.

Although the most appropriate thing is to go to a podiatrist, at a popular level, various remedies have been recommended that, although they are not scientifically proven, could contribute to the improvement.

1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar

According to popular wisdom, apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that make it a useful remedy for fighting nail infections.

The remedy is simply to soak a cotton ball in vinegar and apply it to the affected area. 

In view of how old the remedy is, various investigations have been conducted regarding the use of vinegar in health. However, it is not always focused on the dermatological field.

For example, in an investigation entitled Vinegar: medicinal uses and antiglycemic effect, the only thing that is discussed in this regard is the following:

2. Vicks VapoRub

In the popular field, this well-known ointment used to relieve the symptoms of respiratory conditions, it is considered that it could be useful to treat infected nails and alleviate other discomforts. However, there is no evidence of its efficacy.


  • Take a small amount of the ointment and rub it on the affected nail.
  • Cover it with a bandage or stockings or socks.
  • Leave on overnight.
  • Rinse the area with soap and water the next morning.
  • Dry your feet well.

3. Garlic

Although it is scientifically proven that the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of garlic only work under certain laboratory conditions, there are those who insist on using crushed garlic, in paste, to fight nail infections.

To prepare the remedy you would only need a fresh clove of garlic.

  • Crush the garlic until you get a paste.
  • Apply it on the affected nail.
  • Cover with a clean bandage or sterile gauze.
  • Leave on overnight and repeat the next night.

    Note : In some cases, garlic could cause skin irritation, so caution must be exercised when applying it to broken skin.

    4. Bath with salts

    Although it is best to avoid exposing your feet to moisture, baths with salts are recommended in the popular sphere, since these could help soothe the pain and inflammation of the skin around the infected nails. In addition, antibacterial properties are attributed to salt.

    It is interesting to know that in a study published in 2015 it was observed that, both in mice and in humans, “the cutaneous storage of Na + (sodium ion) reinforces the antimicrobial barrier function of the skin and increases the host’s defenses. driven by macrophages ”.


    • Alcohol.
    • 2 liters of water.
    • 1 metal file.
    • 1 cotton ball.
    • ½ cup of salts (125 g).


    • Heat the water until it reaches a bearable temperature for your feet and add the salts. You can also use table salt.
    • Soak your feet for 15-20 minutes.
    • After that time, dry your feet very well.
    • Very carefully lift the tip of the buried nail using the metal file.
    • Place the piece of cotton impregnated with alcohol, in such a way that the nail is separated from the skin in which it is ingrown.
    • Repeat this same procedure every day until you can cut it.

    Note : If you are not sure how to perform this procedure, go to the podiatrist to avoid injuring yourself and aggravating the problem.

    5. Onion juice

    Cancer onion

    There are those who consider that onion juice can be an alternative for the treatment of infected nails, since this food is attributed anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. However, there is no evidence of its efficacy.

    Since it is not advisable to substitute this juice for the treatment prescribed by the dermatologist, it is best to use it as a supplement, after consulting with the professional.


    • ½ onion.
    • 1 cotton ball.


    • Extract the juice from the onion.
    • Apply with the help of cotton on the affected area.
    • You could also rub it directly on your nail.
    • If you use it every day, you will prevent infections and fungus from developing.

    6. Lemon, the best candidate for infected nails?

    It is believed that lemon juice, due to its acidity, could help eliminate the bacteria or fungi that have caused the nail infection. In case you want to try it, it is recommended to do it with great caution and always in small quantity.

    On the other hand, it must be remembered that the remedy, in any case, could be a complement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

    It is interesting to know that a study published in 2019 observed that the growth of bacteria that had been isolated in the mixture of lemon salt and alcohol was inhibited.

    However, it is important to note that this inhibition was possible thanks to several factors in the laboratory, not just the mixture itself. Therefore, the effectiveness of lemon juice, salt and other substances as treatments for bacteria and fungi on nails and skin remains to be determined.

    The most popular remedy for infected nails is to take a little lemon juice and apply it with a little cotton ball for a few minutes, just like onion juice.


    • A few drops of lemon juice.
    • 1 cotton ball.


    • Moisten the cotton with the lemon juice.
    • Rub it on the nail for a couple of minutes.
    • You can fix it with a bandage to act for several hours, or you can repeat the same procedure several times a day.

    Other care for infected nails

    If you want to resort to these home remedies, you must bear in mind that there are other aspects that you must take care of in order to notice an improvement. For example:

    • Avoid wearing closed and tight shoes for long periods of time.
    • Avoid submerging your feet in water, bathing in pools, taking tub baths and such issues, since humidity is the ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria (and aggravation of nail infections).
    • After you shower or wash your feet, be sure to dry them well.
    • Wear clean cotton socks. Never reuse socks.
    • Keep your nails clean and well trimmed.

    In case you have difficulties or consider that the problem does not improve, consult a podiatrist. 

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