Discover Mu Tea: The Infusion That Takes Care Of Women

Have you ever heard of mu tea ? It has a bit of the Camellia sinensis plant  . In addition, in its composition you will also find ginger, cinnamon, angelica root, licorice, ginseng, cloves …  As you can see, very natural ingredients.

This surprising mixture of plants and roots will captivate your senses and will also give you an inner balance in your day-to-day life that you will undoubtedly appreciate. We invite you to learn more about mu tea. You’re going to love it!

A blend for women’s health

When it comes to talking about any type of tea, it is always said that “it is a millenary drink”, “it is a natural remedy as old as it is curative”. Well, in the case of mu tea, it should be noted that it is actually a mixture of up to 16 plants, and that it has traditionally been used for the world of beauty. Its origin in this case is not in China, but in Japan, and the ideal combination was sought above all to tone the skin, rejuvenate and also improve general health.

mu tea

We explain its general benefits

  • The mu tea helps you lose weight : Thanks to its composition based on cinnamon and ginger seeks primarily to speed up metabolism to burn fat. Ginger can increase weight loss within the framework of a hypocaloric diet, according to a study published in the journal “Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition.”
  • Combining all these elements (cinnamon, ginger, cloves,  Camellia Sinensis , or orange peel) achieves that we obtain a great energy capable of revitalizing us in case of weakness or states of decay. 
  • The alkaloid composition of mu tea is very low. Therefore, you should not worry about if it raises your blood pressure or if it produces tachycardias, since it contains little caffeine, and it will not cause those side effects that you may notice with green tea.
  • Mu tea offers you energy and fights stress at the same time without any dangerous effect, so that you can consume two cups a day with peace of mind. In addition, these herbs present in this infusion are rich in minerals and antioxidants, important to help prevent pathologies in the medium and long term, according to the magazine “Current Pharmaceutical Design”.
  • It improves our digestions thanks to the presence of elements such as ginger, cloves or  Coptis chinensis .

Why does mu tea act as a balancing agent for women’s health?

  • The mu tea contains Japanese parsley root, very beneficial to help treat anemia, irregular menstruation …
  • It also contains angelica root: which can help improve poor circulation, constipation, the feeling of cold hands and feet, menstrual pain.
  • Cyperus: Suitable to contribute to the treatment of the effects of menopause, nervousness …
  • The herbaceous peony root present in mu tea also serves as an adjuvant in the treatment of anemia, painful periods …

    How to prepare mu tea

    mu tea

    You can find mu tea in natural stores or in the section of your supermarket where you usually buy your infusions. In recent years, the fashion for tea is gaining strength and it is common to find more and more curious specialties like this one. Now, for mu tea to be beneficial for us, it must have a combination of the following plants:

    Orange Peel, Licorice (Glycyrrhiza), Ginger, Apricot Kernel, Cinnamon, Poria sclerotium (Hoelen), Attraylis, Herbaceous Peony Root, Coptis chinensis, Clove, Panax ginseng, Japanese Parsley Root, Angelica Root, Cyperus, Rehmannia (Shengdihuang) and moutan (Cortex moutan radicis).


    • 2 tablespoons of tea mu (20 g).
    • 1 glass of mineral water (200 ml).
    • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g).


    mu tea

    • We are going to use bottled mineral water.  In this way we ensure that the quality of our infusion will be adequate. And if it is water with weak mineralization, it will be much better for our body.
    • Another recommendation is that, so that our teas do not lose their original properties, it will be appropriate that we always use enameled iron or clay teapots, never aluminum.
    • This type of materials take care of the correct cooking of natural plants.
    • Heat the natural mineral water until it comes to a boil.
    • Once hot, add the mu tea.
    • Allow the infusion to be made for 10 or 15 minutes, and then allow it to rest for another 10. It is also interesting to know that the tea mu, the longer it is on the fire, the more intense its flavor will be.
    • Sweeten with honey.
    • It is appropriate to take it for 3 days in a row in the morning and after your lunch, and then rest for another 3 days. You will see how you feel more active and how your general health notices it.

    Introduce this tea into your routines!

    Remember that for this drink to contribute to improving your health, it must be part of a balanced and varied diet. This tea is not a substitute for any pharmacological treatment, nor does it have magical properties by itself. Anyway, you can include it in your routines and take advantage of the nutrients it provides. 

    Remember to accompany a correct diet with the practice of exercise on a regular basis to further improve your health.

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