10 Habits To Be Happier

Being happier is possible. Happiness is not external to us; it depends on our emotions and behaviors. Do you remember when was the last time you laughed out loud, until your stomach hurt? Or when did you feel fulfilled by the good things that happen to you every day? If you think sadness or dissatisfaction is dominating your life, read this article to learn some habits to be happier.

Habits to be happier

1. Spend more time outdoors

If for the whole week you are locked in an office or in a flat without a tree around, on weekends you can take advantage of going to a park, to a town surrounded by nature, to the beach. Spending time outdoors could make you feel better, your mental health will thank you. Without a doubt, one of the best habits to be happy.

Also, going to a place where silence is the only sound can make us relax. Sunbathing for a few minutes a day will help you produce vitamin D, necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

Exercise outdoors

There are those who are not very fond of physical exercise, however, it has many benefits. A training session or at least a walk around a park can make you feel better. As if that were not enough, you will release tension and at night “you will sleep like a little angel”.

Sleep better among the best habits to be happier

Did you know that better sleep can prevent possible negative effects on our mood? This is confirmed by a study published in 2018 by The Cureus Journal of Medical Science . Lack of sleep, sleep deprivation, and lack of sleep appear to lead to negative emotions such as anger.

It doesn’t matter how many activities you do each day. You need to get 7-8 hours of sleep at night. And if you have the possibility to enjoy a little nap, don’t hesitate. And, if possible, try to stick to a schedule for going to bed and getting up, so your mind and body will be healthier.

Meditate: one of the habits to be happier

You don’t have to travel to Tibet and enter a temple full of skin-headed monks. You can meditate at home for a few minutes each day. Or find the perfect place and the ideal time to do it. Some choose to practice meditation early in the morning to feel fuller and happier all day. Others choose to meditate when the sun goes down to shake off all the bad vibes of the day. It depends on you. At first it will be difficult to “clear your mind”, but little by little you will achieve it.

Get a new hobby

A hobby can be mentally stimulating, as well as being something fun that takes you out of a rut. A hobby could help you be happier, because it will increase your confidence, allow you to make friends, enjoy quality time doing something you like, put aside a sedentary lifestyle, fulfill a dream, etc. If you always wanted to learn French or play the piano, this is the ideal time!

habits to be happier

Listen to positive music

It can be the type of music that you like the most, disco, electronic, salsa or pop. The important thing is that it makes you feel good. Put it on full volume when you get home, order or prepare dinner. Put on your headphones and enjoy it when you go to work in the morning, make your life always musical. This way you can reduce stress and be happier. And if you feel like dancing, don’t hold it back!

Write what happens to you

We all have problems and concerns. Writing about it may be a good way to find relief or a solution . Write down the negative thoughts you have, make a ball with the paper and throw it away. With this “symbolic” act, the brain will realize that what is written on that sheet is not good for you. You do not need to be a perfect writer, write down what appears in your head and do not think about syntax or spelling mistakes.

Be grateful

How long has it been since you said “thank you”? Being grateful and having an attitude of gratitude can be very important to being happy. And that word that sometimes seems so difficult to get from our lips, is one of the most purifying that exists.

You not only have to say it to someone else, but to yourself. Be grateful for the good things you have (which are many), feel happy for the affections, health, home, work, projects, the bed you sleep in and the food on your plate. Being grateful to life will allow you to experience positive emotions.

Be the best friend

Do the following exercise: analyze your attitudes as a friend and indicate if that is what you want to receive from your friends. Are you a partner, do you listen to them, do you advise them, are you there when they need you ? What things would you like to change about your personality in the role of friend? Do you consider that your friends are happy with you? Friends are the family we choose and that choice is mutual. If you feel happy with them, they will also feel fulfilled with you. Cultivate friendship daily, show your feelings with your friends.

Spread joy everywhere

You want to be happy? Then offer happiness wherever you go. No long faces, complaints and insults on the street. Always with a smile on your lips, a “thank you” and a positive attitude. They will certainly clash sometime in your environment, but you will also set a precedent. People will want to imitate you, they will feel happy next to you, they will start smiling if you smile at them. Remember that everything you give, you receive in return.

Habits to be happier: Conclusion

Achieving happiness in moments can simply be a matter of attitude. We all have bad days, what we must do is take advantage of the good things first of all. Hopefully implementing these habits to be happier really help you to be. If they have worked for others, why wouldn’t they work for you?

What we’ve discussed here are tips that may not work to improve your mood or make you happier. If you need psychological help, we recommend consulting with a mental health specialist.

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