How To Relieve Sinusitis In Children With Natural Medicine

Symptoms like nasal congestion and headaches are reason enough to want to relieve sinusitis in children. Although it is a common condition that does not usually cause complications, the discomfort it generates in minors is worrying.

Fortunately, while pediatric care is sought, it is possible to reduce such symptoms with natural medicine. Although it should not be a first-choice treatment, it is an adjunct to make the discomfort more bearable. What remedies can you use? In this space we detail it.

What is sinusitis and what are its symptoms?

Sinusitis in children is a common condition and usually occurs after a respiratory infection or a cold. It is almost always mild and tends to heal on its own. However, its symptoms are usually quite annoying for minors.

This condition occurs due to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, cavities in the skull, close to the nostrils, filled with air and lined by a mucosa. Specifically, the nasal passage becomes clogged, mucus accumulates and increases the predisposition to the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, such as viruses and bacteria.

Symptoms can vary, but often include the following:

  • Nasal congestion.
  • Headache.
  • Sensation of pressure behind the eyes or teeth.
  • Cough.
  • Throat pain.
  • Fever (in some cases)

These symptoms may recur as children are susceptible to respiratory infections. Therefore, for proper management, it is best to follow the pediatrician’s recommendations. The professional will be in charge of determining if other specific treatments are necessary.

Now, as we discussed, there are ways to improve symptoms and promote a sense of relief with natural medicine. Let’s look at some options.

What is sinusitis and what are its symptoms?

Relieve sinusitis in children with saline solution

Saline solution is not one of the best known remedies when it comes to combating nasal congestion and sinusitis. In fact, a study published in the medical journal American Family Physician , highlights that saline nasal irrigation is useful as a complementary treatment for conditions of the upper respiratory tract.

In the case of children, it is considered a safe remedy, ideal for cleaning the nasal passages and reducing the accumulation of mucus. It is even believed to help reduce other symptoms, such as headaches.


  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (5 g)
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda (2.5 g)


  • To start, boil the cups of water.
  • Once they reach their boiling point, dissolve the salt and baking soda.
  • Let the preparation cool down to room temperature.

Application mode

  • Pour the liquid into a nasal pot, syringe, or dropper.
  • Then tilt the child’s head to the side.
  • Next, insert the liquid into the upper nostril.
  • Tell the child to breathe through his mouth.
  • Before long, the solution will start to drain from the lower nostril.
  • Continue applying the liquid until as much mucus as possible is removed.
  • Then repeat the procedure with the other nostril.
  • Perform the remedy 2 times a day or as directed by the pediatrician.

    Note: if you have doubts about how to carry out this procedure, better consult with your doctor.

    Vaporizations for sinusitis in children

    In general, sprays are made with eucalyptus, since the plant releases volatile compounds that are soothing to symptoms such as congestion. Specifically, as detailed in a study published in 2015, the plant and its extracts contain cineole, and have anti-inflammatory and decongestant activity. 

    Also, although the evidence is limited, a study in the International Journal of General Medicine comments that exposure to menthol vapors contributes to improving the perception of relief from congestion. So it may be helpful in relieving sinusitis in children, at least temporarily.


    • Eucalyptus leaves
    • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


    • Make a decoction of eucalyptus leaves in the water.
    • Cover to prevent steam from escaping.

    Application mode

    • When the drink boils, put it on a firm surface, and let it steam near the child.
    • Supervise the child all the time, as he can burn out with the preparation.
    • If possible, cover him near the pot with a towel or blanket so that he inhales.
    • Do this before putting him to bed. Incidentally, this will make it easier for them to rest.

    What else can help calm sinusitis in children?

    In most cases, sinusitis improves over time, without causing complications in children. However, in case of fever or severe symptoms, it is best to take him to the pediatrician. Now, to complement the aforementioned remedies, it is good to take into account the following:

    • The child must sleep well. Otherwise, it will take longer to recover.
    • To reduce mucus, it is advisable to give him good fluids. Therefore, in addition to water, you can offer broths, fruit juices or infusions such as chamomile.
    • Avoid exposing your child to the cold. Wrap it up well.

    Do not forget that natural medicine is only a complement when it comes to reducing the symptoms of sinusitis in children. By itself, it cannot cure the problem. Therefore, if you want to know other treatment options, be sure to consult the appropriate doctor.

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