8 Rules You Must Follow If You Want To Cure Varicose Veins

Treatment to cure varicose veins should include a series of healthy habits that support circulatory health. Although there are many procedures and cosmetic products that allow them to be minimized, it is essential to follow some “rules” that are essential.

And it is that, beyond being an aesthetic problem, these bulging veins indicate that the passage of blood flow has some alteration. For this reason, in addition to giving a bad appearance, they tend to affect the feeling of heaviness and pain.

Why does this condition occur? How to reduce them naturally? Given that many are suffering from them, below we want to solve these questions. Of course, all the tips must be applied together, as there is no simple cure.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins are bulging, twisted veins that form when the one-way valves, which regulate the flow of blood, weaken. While they can develop in any vein, they often originate in the legs.

They have always been classified as an unsightly sign, since they have a purple or reddish appearance that is noticeable on the skin. However, for many it is a health problem, as it is the trigger for other discomforts.


According to this report prepared by the National Heart Institute, among its most characteristic symptoms we find:

  • Swollen veins that stick out
  • Burning sensation and heaviness in the lower extremities
  • Leg pain and cramps
  • Itching around the affected veins
  • Bleeding from varicose veins
  • Changes in the skin or hardening of the vein

Why do varicose veins originate?

When the valves in the veins stop working properly, blood flow has a hard time returning from the legs to the heart. Since the blood suffers a stagnation, the vein becomes inflamed and forms varicose veins.

Although many cases are related to genetic factors, they are often made worse by physical overexertion and excess weight. In addition, they tend to be more frequent among the elderly. The factors that influence its appearance are, according to this study by the National University of Asunción (Paraguay), among others:

  • Obesity and overweight
  • Pregnancy status
  • Poor posture when walking
  • Remain seated and cross your legs
  • Sudden hormonal changes
  • Circulatory system diseases

Rules that everyone must follow to cure varicose veins

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best complement both to cure varicose veins, and to delay their appearance. This implies making some changes in the daily routine and removing some “bad habits” that affect circulation.

1. Avoid the same posture

Maintaining the same body posture for a long time can make varicose veins worse.

Therefore, if for any reason you have to stand or sit, the ideal is to take at least a few minutes to move your legs and feet or change your posture.

2. Raise your legs

A very easy exercise that helps cure varicose veins is the leg raises.

This activity relaxes the muscles and makes it easier for blood to return to the upper body. Therefore, it is advisable to do it every day after completing the work day.

3. Do physical exercise

The practice of any sporting activity has many benefits in terms of both circulatory health and weight.

Therefore, if the goal is to cure varicose veins, it is very beneficial to follow a regular training routine.

4. Apply massages

One of the therapeutic methods to stimulate blood flow in the lower extremities is relaxing massages.

Due to their ability to improve circulation, they are a good option to minimize the appearance of these bulging veins.

5. Take a cold shower

Hot showers are relaxing and relieve fatigue. However,  those taken with cold water are more beneficial against this problem. This study from the University of South Carolina emphasizes the benefits of cold (cryotherapy) associated with problems of this caliber.

In fact, applying cold water directly to the calves can soothe heaviness and swelling.

6. Avoid tight clothing

Garments that are tight to the body are inadvisable when there are varicose veins.

Their use is not even recommended in general, since they put pressure on the area and hinder venous return from the legs to the heart.

7. Improve nutrition

A diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants and dietary fiber can go a long way in curing varicose veins.

Foods that contain these nutrients optimize circulation and protect cardiovascular health.

8. Avoid alcohol and tobacco

Excessive consumption of alcohol and tobacco has many negative effects on the body. One of them is the appearance of circulatory problems and varicose veins.

Its toxins deteriorate the arteries and make it difficult for the blood to pass.

In summary…

Healthy habits are key when the goal is to cure varicose veins. Although there are many professional therapies that eliminate them, all these recommendations prevent them from reappearing.

Therefore, it is not just about applying them for a while, but about including them in the lifestyle.

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