Curiosities About The Human Body That You Will Like To Know

The human body is a fascinating machine. We are perfect creatures full of virtues, also defects, but unrepeatable beings capable of doing great things.

Do you want to join us in these ten curiosities about your body? It sure surprises you!

1. Are you one of those with one less tendon?

Surprising but true. It is known that 15% of people do not have a tendon present in the flexor carpi radialis muscle. To check this, you just have to do a very simple thing: join your thumb and little finger and try to bend the wrist backwards. 85% of us see two tendons stick out, but there are cases where only one sticks out.

2. Vasovagal syndrome

Another strange curiosity as well as problematic. There are people who pass out after urinating. This is due to the fact that when we urinate the vagus nerve is stimulated, and in some cases it can cause a sudden drop in tension. This is not a joke.

3. Reproductive organs and kidneys

They are closely related. An example of this is clearly seen in men. When they receive a blow to the testicles, they also feel very severe pain in the kidneys.

This is due to our gestation, at which time both develop at the same time, and then go down to their final place.

4. Try moving your ring finger

Let’s do a test: put your hand on a flat place and try to lift each finger. You will achieve it with everyone except the ring finger. There may be someone who can, of course, but in general this limitation of movement is due to the fact that the index and little fingers have their own independent extensor muscles, while the middle and ring fingers have the same.

When one is bent the other cannot be extended and vice versa.

5. One kidney taller than the other

One more curiosity: the left kidney is a little higher than the right in the human body and why this singularity?

Due to the pressure exerted by the liver in the space above the right kidney. Did you know?

6. Blood sugar

The blood sugar level is the equivalent of one tablespoon dissolved in blood. With this level we can go for two days without eating and without anything happening to us, but later , the human body can undergo a process called ketosis, where the liver breaks down fat reserves to supply the lack of glucose in the blood.

It is something very dangerous, so better not to try it. This is the reason why sugar-free hyperprotein diets are discouraged.

7. Do you know that you have fewer bones than a baby?

When we are born we have more or less than 300 bones. But little by little, as we grow they merge until we end up with 206 in adulthood.

8. Try to breathe and swallow at the same time, can you?

Have you tried? It is impossible. And this is due to a curious evolutionary process where the palate went back to widen the pharynx and thus better emit speech.

This means that we have more risks to choke, being the epiglottis that takes care of us to prevent food from entering the respiratory tract, preventing in turn being able to swallow and breathe at the same time.

9. How many antibodies do you make per day on average?

Three grams. Three grams on average, something of great importance for our health and to protect ourselves from harmful microorganisms.

10. And how many atoms does the human body have?

Have you ever wondered? It is not something that takes us away from sleep, of course, but if this question has ever crossed your mind, we will give you an example: a person who weighs 70 kilos will have a figure equal to this : a 7 followed by 27 zeros. Can you calculate it?

As you have seen, the human body is very curious and interesting. Here we have shown you just some of the millions of things you can ask yourself about human beings, the more you browse, the more you will be surprised.

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