Waking Up At Dawn Every Night Has Its Explanation

Who has not happened to wake up at dawn and not be able to go back to sleep for no apparent reason? We can all have a bad night for many reasons; However, there are people who suffer from it on a daily basis, which prevents them from resting and causes exhaustion, irritability and anxiety, among other problems.

In this article, we are going to try to reveal what this problem may be due to and how we can solve it naturally. In this way, we can regain a good night’s sleep.

Waking up at dawn: Why does it happen?

Waking up at dawn has a reason

The first thing we have to bear in mind is that any disorder that we suffer continuously is warning us of some imbalance in our body. It may be more or less important, but we must always pay attention to it to prevent it from becoming chronic and to be able to know the organ that is failing.

Waking up at dawn, always at the same time and at least three times a week is a fact that we must take into account. Even more so if this problem extends for two weeks or more in a row.

This is how traditional Chinese medicine warns us, in reference to the nocturnal functioning of our body. It may be the sign that some organ is not working as it should.

The biological clock at night

According to traditional Chinese medicine, each organ of our body has a time slot during the day in which it works with greater intensity to regenerate itself naturally.

This biological clock justifies how, in general, our body always tends to fight to overcome any health problem with its own resources. One way to facilitate this process is by following a healthy lifestyle.

According to this perspective, it can be very useful to know the organs that work during the night to relate them to the fact of waking up at dawn. During the night hours, the organs that regenerate are the following:

  • From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.: the gallbladder.
  • From 1 to 3 in the morning: the liver.
  • From 3 to 5 in the morning: the lungs.
  • From 5 to 7 in the morning: the large intestine.

From 11 p.m. to 1 a.m.

From 11pm to 1am

In the early hours of the night, the protagonist is the gallbladder, located below the liver. This is responsible for storing bile, necessary to digest fats. If we suffer from insomnia at this time, it is possible that what it costs us is to fall asleep.

To be able to rest in this time slot, we should avoid having dinner later than 9 pm ; thus, at 11 pm we will have finished the digestion process.

From 11 pm, if we still don’t want to go to bed, we can do a relaxing activity, such as meditation, reading or massage. We should avoid work, television or anything that can make it difficult for us to sleep.

From 1 a.m. to 3 a.m.

Waking up at dawn in this time slot takes us to the liver, one of the most important organs at night, as it helps us purify the body and cleanse the blood of toxins. In addition, it also allows us to balance the mind and emotions, so it is vital to be able to rest at this time.

If we wake up spontaneously in this time slot, we must analyze the following factors:

  • Are our dinners light and do we make them early?
  • Are we living an emotional situation that affects us too much?
  • Do we go to bed with our minds occupied with the affairs of the day?
  • Does our body need a purification to eliminate toxins?

From 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.

From 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.

Often, people who wake up in this time slot experience breathing difficulties or mucus blockages. In many cases, even coughing spells are possible. One explanation could be that it is the time zone of the lungs.

At this time, our sleep should be deep. If not, we can improve the ventilation of the room, even leaving the window open, assess whether to add a humidifier or place plants that purify the air, such as potus.

From 5 a.m. to 7 a.m.

During the dawn hours, it is the large intestine that begins to work. For this reason, it is the best time to get up and drink water on an empty stomach, especially if we suffer from constipation.

With all these suggestions and respecting the schedules related to the solar cycle, we can notice a great improvement in our health. By the way, we can also combat insomnia, which is surely indicating some type of disorder.

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