Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins. It is, therefore, a vitamin that dissolves in water and cannot be stored in the body. The excess of it is eliminated through the urine and its consumption must be regular through the diet.

It is found naturally in meat and fish. In addition, it is also characteristic of starchy foods, such as potatoes and some fruits. However, it is a vitamin that is included in dietary supplements in the form of pyridoxine.

Deficiency of this vitamin causes anemia, itchy rashes, flaky lips, cracks at the corners of the lips, and swollen tongue. In addition, its deficit can be related to depression, confusion and a poor functioning of the immune system.

Functions of vitamin B6 within the body

Functions of vitamin B6 within the body

There is sufficient evidence to support that the consumption of this vitamin, within the recommended doses, causes positive effects within the body. Next we will deal with the most important ones.

  • The B vitamins can lower your risk of heart disease by lowering your homocysteine ​​level. However, supplementation with this vitamin does not reduce the risk of disease if the dietary intake is correct, according to the latest studies.
  • On the other hand, people with low levels of B6 may be at higher risk for some types of cancer related to the digestive tract. One example is colorectal cancer, as detailed in a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology .
  • In addition, it has been shown that those individuals with the highest levels of B6 in the blood have better memory. However, supplementation does not appear to be effective in improving cognitive function in people with dementia.
  • A possible influence of vitamin B6 in premenstrual syndrome is speculated. Some articles suggest that supplementation with this vitamin could reduce the symptoms of PMS, reducing mood swings, irritability and lack of concentration.
  • The consumption of vitamin B6, under medical supervision, is recommended to reduce nausea and vomiting during the first months of pregnancy.

Vitamin B6 overdose

Actually, it is very unlikely that you will become poisoned by overdose of vitamin B6. The fact that it is water soluble and is eliminated in the urine makes it difficult to reach such a high concentration in the body in the absence of dietary supplements. However, it is true that uncontrolled supplementation could lead to this situation.

It is a significant health problem, which can cause damage to the nervous system, making it difficult to control body movements. On the other hand, skin reactions, hypersensitivity to sunlight, nausea and heartburn may appear.

Drug interactions

Supplements containing this vitamin may have certain interactions with some medications:

  • With some antibiotics such as cycloserine, used to treat tuberculosis. This interaction would aggravate seizures and damage nerve cells.
  • Medications aimed at treating epilepsy can lower vitamin B6 levels.
  • Taking theophylline to treat asthma may also lower B6 levels and cause seizures.

Vitamin B6 needs

Foods rich in Vtamine B6

Leaving aside the WHO recommendations for the consumption of vitamin B6 in normal situations, there are some cases in which an excess demand can occur. These situations are, for example, a hyperprotein diet, since this vitamin fasts the breakdown of proteins.

On the other hand, it may be important to increase consumption in situations of uncontrolled glucose curve. Finally, it is necessary to monitor the contribution of this micronutrient in the case of anemia.

However, it should be noted that the latest studies on this vitamin doubt its antioxidant role and its relationship with complex diseases. Nowadays, it is thought that both the deficit and the excess of this vitamin can have negative consequences and more studies are needed to corroborate its implication in some types of cancer.

Vitamin B6, a water-soluble with many functions

Vitamin B6 has different functions within the body. Under normal conditions, the contribution obtained through the diet is sufficient. However, there may be cases in which supplementation with this vitamin is needed to correct a deficit or prevent a pathology.

However, it is not advisable to abuse multivitamins and it is interesting to consult with your doctor or nutritionist before starting to consume one. In the case of experiencing any abnormal effect, such as nausea, it is always recommended to suspend the intake of the product.

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