How To Treat Skin Pores?

Even if you don’t wear makeup, it is important to clean your face every night to remove dirt and toxins accumulated throughout the day and apply a moisturizer

Showing off young and healthy skin is one of the main aesthetic goals of women. So when we stand in front of the mirror and look at our enlarged skin pores, we rush to cover our skin with makeup.

Having well-groomed and toned skin can make you look much younger. Seeing your reflection in the mirror and surprising yourself is a very rewarding experience. Small pores make your skin look younger and smoother .

There are several home tips that you can follow to make your pores look small. Some are external care and others also go through improving your diet and hydration.

Although there is no “miracle cure” that totally eliminates this problem, there are several ways to reduce and hide them temporarily. On the other hand, remember that it is convenient to go to a dermatologist to analyze our skin type and recommend the most appropriate treatment.

Cause of open skin pores

One of the main causes is the way we treat and care for our skin.  Sun-damaged skin is one of the most prone to open pores . This fact leads to a wear and tear on elasticity and collagen (which acts as a natural cleanser for the skin) and that can cause pores to enlarge.

Another factor that causes enlarged pores is our skin type. Normal, dry skin is less prone to this characteristic. On the other hand, if we have a thick and oily skin , large pores tend to develop more easily.

Age is another component that intervenes in this question. Over time, the skin reduces its elasticity, causing the pores to dilate. Natural renewal becomes less efficient and the skin becomes brittle from years of exposure.

In addition, some studies ensure that the appearance of open pores is accentuated over the years, especially after 30 and 40 years.

Solutions to open skin pores

Scrub to treat rough skin.

While it is difficult to completely reduce open pores on your skin, there are some methods that allow you to look more stylized and beautiful. Although, as we have mentioned before, the ideal is that you go to the dermatologist to recommend the most effective method according to your case. These are some practices that you could support your treatment to reduce pores:

Drink enough water

Do not count juices or infusions: try to drink the water that your body needs to keep it hydrated so that it can function properly. You must have hydrated skin so that your pores do not enlarge.

Furthermore, in this study it was discovered that a higher water intake in the diet could have a positive impact on the normal physiology of the skin.

Consume vitamin C

Vitamin C is a good antioxidant . Consuming it will bring many benefits for your health and, especially, for your skin. The easiest way is to consume citrus. Consume the one of your preference, but remember not to overdo it.


Another widely used natural remedy is the almond mask. Applying almond flour to your skin may help refine your pores and diminish their appearance . If you can’t find this product in the supermarket, don’t be alarmed: make your own flour!


  • ⅓ cup of almonds.
  • Water.


  1. Blend the almonds until they become a powder.
  2. In a bowl, place the almond flour and add water, little by little, until you create a paste.
  3. Afterwards, place the paste on the skin with open pores and leave it on for half an hour.
  4. Rinse with lukewarm water.

You can repeat the process twice a week to see results. Almond oil has also been used to reduce pores for its astringent effect.

Take your makeup off every night

You should never sleep in makeup. Makeup has oils and chemicals that hurt your skin internally. When you come back from work, or from a party, do not forget to remove it.

If you ran out of makeup remover, you can use a cotton pad soaked in extra virgin olive oil. Then you rinse well with cold water and that’s it.

Cleanse your face at least twice a day. You can practice with the following recipe, which is short and quick, in the morning and in the evening, after removing your makeup.


  • 1 tablespoon of oatmeal.
  • ½ tablespoon of natural yogurt.
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil.


  1. First. In a bowl, add all the ingredients and mix until you get a homogeneous dough.
  2. Second. Soak the mixture in a cotton ball and apply it to your face to clean it.
  3. Third and last, rinse off with cold water.

Exfoliate your face regularly

Exfoliate the skin

With the hustle and bustle of the day and how late you arrive home, it is very difficult for you to prepare all the recipes on a daily basis. You must prioritize, and something that can not be missing is exfoliation and cleaning. Follow this recipe once a week or every other, depending on the type of skin you have.

Exfoliation stimulates cell renewal, resulting in a more polished, smooth and luminous surface.


  • 1 spoon of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


    1. Mix all the ingredients vigorously until the honey and sugar dissolve in the juice.
    2. Take a little on your fingertips and massage in a circular motion on the skin of your face and neck.
    3. Remove with cold water.

Use sunscreen

Never expose yourself to the sun without protection. On your face you should use a sunscreen with factor 40 or higher. The solution that nature offers you is not to expose yourself to the sun in the noon hours. But if you must, the best solution is to apply a good sunscreen.

The sun is, in fact, very harmful and, in addition to being able to cause diseases in your skin, it hurts it and it ages much faster if you expose yourself without protection.

Adopt healthy routines

Continue with your care routines. Everything you do to your skin, everything you pamper it is correct.

If you are in the habit of applying a face mask on weekends, continue it. If you do not follow any routine because, in truth, you do not have time or desire, it will be enough to drink enough water, remove make-up every night and use sunscreen to see improvement in a few weeks.

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