How To Use Dandelions To Help Purify The Digestive System

Dandelions are used in their entirety as each part serves something different. The young leaves are used in salads and the mature leaves and the root are used medicinally.

Dandelion, also known as bitter chicory, is an easily identifiable plant due to its rounded yellow flowers with petals. It is a plant with great qualities and benefits that are generally unknown.

The medicinal use of dandelion began in the 15th century , in areas of the Northern Hemisphere in both Europe and America. The plant was used in its entirety since each part was used for something different. The young leaves were used in salads and the mature leaves and the root were used medicinally.

In this way, it has been used as a preventive against multiple diseases for centuries. Nowadays. in fact, it is one of the most studied medicinal herbs. These have been carried out by Western universities.

Increasingly, it is common to find fields of cultivation of this plant. E l aim is to increase production of it, in the face of further sale and consumption.

How dandelion helps purify the digestive system

Benefits for the liver

The liver is the organ in charge of keeping the blood clean. This means that the toxins that reach our bloodstream usually end up in the liver. Over time, as well as due to various factors, they can end up seriously damaging it.

Dandelion root can help detoxify the liver. The function of the plant is to  hinder the creation of toxins and facilitate the disposal of existing ones. If the organ presents problems to function, the plant can help it to return to perform its functions in a normalized way.

Many specialists recommend the consumption of dandelion tea in order to reduce some negative effects of certain medications, as well as inflammation.

It is recommended to drink a cup of dandelion tea a day for approximately 7 days. In any case, it is important to see a specialist at the time when symptoms are suffered. Only in this way can the problem be diagnosed and treated in the best possible way.

Help take care of the kidneys and treat urinary system problems

Dandelion leaves have great diuretic properties that facilitate the work of the kidneys by improving their functions and stimulating the flow of urine. Another of the benefits of dandelion leaves is the elimination of toxins, reflected in the appearance of the skin.

In the case of treating problems such as fluid retention, kidney stones, edema, lymphatic inflammation and bladder infections, dandelion helps by providing potassium and vitamin A among other nutrients.

However, it is important to consult your doctor before taking dandelion leaves due to the possible effects it can cause in the body. Generally, a cup of tea a day for 4 days is enough to help detoxify the urinary system.

In relation to the gallbladder

The dandelion leaf and root, independently, have no effects on  the spleen and gallbladder.

The only treatment for gallstones is surgical. It is important to consult the problem with a doctor to keep a strict control of the problem.

In addition, in the case of presenting an obstruction in the bile duct, its consumption is usually contraindicated. Hence the importance of always consulting all consumption of medicinal substances with experts.

Considerations when using dandelion

Although dandelion has great properties, it must also be taken into account that it is a very strong product. For this reason, it is highly recommended to stay alert, and always consult its use with specialists. It is important to be able to react in time against any adverse reaction.

In addition, generally, in the case of being on treatments with insulin, diuretics, lithium or any other medication or supplements that help lower blood glucose levels , the consumption of infusions with dandelions is usually contraindicated.

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