Recipe For Onion Jam

Onion jam is as original as it is tasty, a more than perfect and delicious accompaniment  to a multitude of dishes. Whether as an aperitif, or to accompany meats, fish, and of course, to combine with cheese toasts, this jam is an ideal choice.

Onion is a healthy, tasty and versatile vegetable. It can be prepared in many different ways, this delicious jam is one of them.  Onion jam is sweet, easy to make and will give your kitchen an original touch that you will love.

Onion benefits

  • Anti-anemic properties: both garlic and onion are suspected of increasing the absorption of iron from food. In addition, it is rich in phosphorus and vitamin E, essential for the health of our red blood cells.
  • Diuretic and purifying : thanks to its potassium content, it would help us eliminate fluid accumulation and regulate hypertension.
  • Source of vitamin B: onion is an interesting source of vitamin B and magnesium, necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and our muscles.
  • Antioxidant : thanks to its content of vitamins A and C, and its flavonoids, it provides us with an adequate dose of antioxidants. Remember that antioxidants fight free radicals, protecting against premature aging and some chronic diseases, according to different studies.

 Onion jam recipe

toast with cheese and onion jam

Onion jam is easy to prepare.  First, select several mason jars to preserve it properly. We are going to prepare a kilo of jam, so you will have to calculate how many you will need beforehand.

To prepare the onion we have chosen to roast it in the oven instead of boiling it, as it gives it a tastier touch. But you can prepare it as you wish, there are even those who roast them with firewood.


  • 1 kg of spring onions
  • 500 gr. of sugar


  1. We start by lining the oven tray with aluminum foil. We peel the onions, wash them well and place them on the tray with a drizzle of olive oil and a little salt. We heat the oven to 200ÂșC and leave them for 35 or 40 minutes. We watch that they are done on all sides, turning around from time to time.
  2. When they are ready, we take them out and let them rest for a few minutes. Meanwhile, we prepare a pot with just over three glasses of water and a pound of sugar. We introduce the roasted onions and cook them over medium heat for half an hour. We constantly stir so that they do not stick to us, and they take on a suitable consistency. We will see how it is caramelizing and darkening. Be careful not to burn or stick. If it burns just a little, the flavor of the jam changes.
  3.  We let it rest for about ten minutes. That way it will take on more consistency. Then we carefully introduce it into the glass jars. To preserve it, you can cook the jars in a double boiler: once closed, place them in a pot with water. When the water boils and you hear the characteristic “pop” they will be ready and hermetically closed.


The recipe that we have presented is especially sweet and caramelized. There are other versions. It can also be prepared by adding balsamic vinegar, butter and 200 grams of brown sugar with the same amount of onions.

However, our way of doing it is much simpler, and we assure you that the flavor of having them roasted in the oven is perceived in every bite. If you like the kitchen of contrasts and you enjoy mixing flavors, try this tasty onion jam.

You can accompany it with whole wheat toast (as shown in the illustration). Simply put a slice of goat cheese on the toast and a teaspoon of onion jam on top. A tasty and original starter.

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