5 Myths That Keep You Lonely And Desperate

Although it can be a valid option if we choose it, feeling alone can make us experience a void and believe we have no one. You should know that this is not true

There are many moments in which one feels that the universe is playing against him or in which one feels lonely and desperate for a gesture of affection, love or consolation.

The problem is, this is like a snowball. Once you start to feel bad, the situation can escalate quickly.

If you feel this way, let us tell you that you are not alone. It’s just a losing streak and we all feel that way at times.

The most common is that these negative thoughts have their origin in myths that the ego has been creating in you. Get to know them so that you can face them.

Here are some of the myths that keep you lonely and desperate.

We have all had to face them at least once and, although it is not easy, you can beat them if you put your mind to it.

Myths that keep you alone

1. I am a failure


Being wrong is the most humane thing in the world and we have all been through situations where a lot was expected of us and we fell a little short.

It is the most normal and you should not feel limited by the experiences you have had.

We know that all those situations that represent failure make you feel down and uninspired. However, to believe that you are a failure solely because of a mistake is a mistake.

Instead of getting frustrated by mistakes, think that failure wins when you stop believing in yourself. Also, putting on this tag is heavy and not fair to you.

Give yourself permission to be wrong and don’t stay at it.

2. I have disappointed my family

This, in addition to being one of those myths that keep you alone and desperate, is a great anvil that will not allow you to advance if you give it power.

Regardless of your circumstances, we are sure that There is nothing you could have done to completely separate you from your family .

Even if you’ve had big fights with your siblings or have failed your parents, we assure you that if you really care, they will be there for you.

If you have really been a bad daughter or have distanced yourself a lot from them, you can face a long process. That is normal and you should understand.

However, we assure you that you are not in these cases. Most of us tend to make a storm in a glass of water and we tend to give too much importance to mistakes.

In case you are in need of your family, approach them. There is no one who is going to give you more support no matter the distance or the circumstances.

3. I have no one to turn to for advice

Existential doubt

We all go through this process of not knowing. In fact, the beginning of something is always nothing.

Every person who has a result always started without having anything, so do not compare the final product of others with your beginning, because it is not fair.

Start your trip and enjoy the way, the arrival is a matter of time.

If you pay attention to the third of the myths that keep you alone, you will be closing yourself off from the incredible opportunity to meet people, live experiences or places.

No matter your age or what you are doing right now, you can always turn your life around for the better.

All you need to do is find out what is making you unhappy or what is taking your energy away. When you have this clear, you will know where to start to direct your life.

If what worries you is that you think you have no one, take a good look. We all have someone next to us whom we never see because it already seems part of life. It can be your partner, your best friend, your sister, etc.

4. I’m too old to dream

Believe that your opportunities are over just because there are some wrinkles on your skin or because you no longer have the vitality of before is a big mistake.

Age is a great advantage: use it to achieve your goals and not to stagnate.

The older you are, the more experience you will have and that is worth a lot, so value it. Remember that it is never too late to live the life you have always dreamed of.

You will always be afraid to take the next step so, if there is something that inspires you now, do not leave it.

On the contrary: that is one of the most pleasant and interesting things. No matter what you have wishes for, just go and fulfill them.

5. My relationship with… has me trapped

unhappy relationships

Replace those ellipsis with what you think is holding you back. It could be debt, a partner for whom you no longer feel love, or work that for a long time no longer excites you one bit.

If you are where you are, it is because you decided. Just as you chose to start and stay, you can finish it whenever you want.

It is scary to give up something that we know and that is already part of our reality. This is how we people are and this is why the last of the myths  that keep you alone: ​​we are used to it.

Luckily, you can change that if you want. You just have to make the decision and take the step.

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