Royal Jelly, Properties And Contributions To Health

Royal jelly is a biological and energetic stimulant that bees make available to us. A natural component whose health virtues have been proven through various studies. Among them, it would improve the different organic functions, it would help people with arteriosclerosis, ulcers, anemia, depressive states and fatigue in general.

It is considered a natural ally for all those people who, for different reasons, need an energy supply for their health and mood, as well as an improvement in their nutrition. In any case, royal jelly is not synonymous with honey, it is a portion of it that can be consumed in isolation.

What is royal jelly?

As an FAO article explains, it is a substance manufactured by young bees exclusively for the queen bee and the young that, in turn, will become new queen bees. It is therefore an exclusive delicacy composed of a variety of nutrients that have led to it being commonly referred to as the Miracle of Nature .

According to several studies, it is also considered the most concentrated food that exists, due to its composition of vitamins and minerals, as well as other vital elements that make it up.

Likewise, it would possess virtues that would contribute to the processes of cellular restoration : it contains vitamins B, C, D and E, lipoproteins, enzymes, mineral salts, magnesium, iron, copper, potassium, zinc and phosphorus.

Properties of royal jelly

Royal jelly

  • It would help lower blood cholesterol levels, according to an article published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience in 2018.
  • It is said that it would improve asthma if a dose of 50 to 100 milligrams were ingested per day. However, old research pointed out adverse effects when using this substance in asthmatic people.
  • Its vasodilator action would improve the state of people affected by heart disorders.
  • It would stimulate blood circulation.
  • It would be beneficial for atherosclerosis states : it would cause a decrease in vascular reactions and the regulation of blood pressure.
  • Very suitable for improving asthenic states.
  • Beneficial for people with insulin resistance.
  • It would raise the level of hemoglobin in the blood and leukocytes.
  • It would increase vitality and appetite.
  • It would be beneficial for flu states.
  • It would normalize metabolic processes.
  • It would be antiviral, antimicrobial, and antitoxic.

Royal jelly and the elderly

Seniors exercising

Obviously you will not find in its composition the remedy for eternal youth, but royal jelly does contain some elements that are considered important to prevent premature aging. Its antioxidant power would make it possible for tissues to be repaired and new cells to be produced. It also helps to neutralize the formation of free radicals, thus reducing the risk of developing complex pathologies.

In addition, its composition would help digestion, keep eyesight in good condition and improve memory. It would regulate blood pressure and combat chronic tiredness and fatigue.

Royal jelly consumption

Royal jelly can be found in many specialized stores, in herbalists and also in pharmacies. We can buy it fresh, mixed with honey or freeze-dried. The recommended dose is 100 mg daily, preferably in the morning and sublingually.


If we have it fresh, it is better to keep it in well-filled containers to avoid the presence of air. Hermetically closed with a plastic cap (metal is not suitable, as it can cause chemical reactions), kept cold (0º to 5ºC), without humidity and protected from light. It can be kept like this for several months.

We can also keep it mixed with honey, in a concentration of 1-3%, to avoid fermentation by the water provided by the Jelly.


As always, we recommend consulting with your doctor before starting the regular intake of royal jelly. No one better than him can tell you about its possible benefits and contraindications. Also, he will tell you what is the right dose for you.

Generally, it is recommended never to exceed 300 mg daily. If you have weight problems, you should bear in mind that royal jelly increases your appetite, and that it is not advisable if you also suffer from diabetes, due to its high sugar level.

However, for the latter, royal jellies can be found on the market that have been replaced by fructose for sucrose. Talk to your doctor about it.

Royal jelly, a beneficial product

Royal jelly has proven to be a beneficial health product. In any case, the most appropriate thing is to resort to their concentrates, thus avoiding ingesting a large amount of sugar that could interfere with the proper functioning of the metabolism.

Combined with certain vitamins, this substance can help resolve some episodes of chronic fatigue and tiredness. However, it is always advisable to consume it based on the recommendation of a professional.

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