8 Common Habits That Deteriorate The Health Of The Face

Many times the great impact that the simplest habits can have on our health and beauty is underestimated, therefore, it is necessary not to neglect any aspect.

The health of the face depends on many factors: from a good cleansing routine to eating. However, many people do not take this into account and consider that only creams should be applied to look good.

Maintaining good lifestyle habits can be seen in the face, therefore, it is important to pay attention to it and correct all those aspects that are necessary, in order to add well-being and freshness.

Next, we will tell you what are the 8 most common habits that deteriorate the health of the face and that you should start avoiding today.

Bad habits for facial health

1. Lack of sun protection

Lack of sun protection is one of the worst habits for the health of the face because it leaves the path to both UVB rays (the main cause of sunburn and UVA rays (the main cause of photoaging and skin cancer).

In other words , going out in the sun without any type of protection causes cell damage that is very difficult to repair, accelerates the aging process and, in the long term, can influence the appearance of skin cancer.

So, for health and beauty, everyone should use sunscreen every day, even when it is cloudy and it seems that there is no sun.

2. Smoking

The nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels in the superficial layers of the skin to contract; This reduces oxygenation and the transport of nutrients necessary for the health of the face, and the rest of the skin.

Smoking alters the immune and inflammatory response, favors the formation of free radicals and produces other harmful modifications that, with the passage of time, become more and more noticeable.

Therefore, smokers often have blemished, wrinkled, ashen skin with various unsightly blemishes. Although it is true that this is usually more evident between the ages of 35 and 40, each person is different.

3. Alcoholism

The intoxication and dehydration caused by alcohol when it reaches the bloodstream is reflected in the state of the skin.

Those people who are not controlled in the consumption of these drinks have a very noticeable deterioration of the skin that can translate into dryness, spots, inflammation, premature wrinkles, and so on.

4. Not treating acne properly


Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the world population and its main causes are hormonal changes. However, since it does not only depend on a single factor, it is often difficult to treat it properly.

One of the most common mistakes when it comes to combating this problem is trying to squeeze the pimples with your hands, neglecting hygiene or resorting to products that are not suitable for the type of skin, among others.

Instead, the best measure that can be taken when treating acne is to go to the dermatologist and follow their instructions. 

5. Sleeping with makeup

During the rest period, the skin needs to breathe in order to repair the damage suffered during the day; that is, cells need to receive adequate oxygenation in order to regenerate.

However, if a person falls asleep without removing makeup, the pores remain clogged, the skin becomes congested, and cellular work is disturbed. Therefore, it is always necessary to clean the face and remove all makeup before going to sleep.

6. Shower with hot water

Showering with hot water removes the layer of natural fat from the skin, which is extremely necessary to stay hydrated, firm and protected against aggressions. In addition, it opens the pores and promotes dryness.

Therefore, using hot water to wash your face or take a daily shower is not the best option to preserve the beauty of the skin.

7. Lack of sleep


It is extremely important to have a good quality of sleep to maintain the health of the face and maintain the skin. beautiful and free of impurities. This is because when you sleep, stress hormones return to normal levels and allow cells to work to repair the skin.

People who sleep less than 6 hours a day are at high risk of experiencing premature aging of the skin, pronounced dark circles, loss of brightness, among other factors.

8. Use many products at the same time

The products for the skin are very varied and each one has a special function. However, when they are selected randomly, regardless of skin type and applied at the same time, the skin does not have enough time to assimilate them. 

As it is such a sensitive area, it is likely that the compounds in the products interact and cause irritations, allergic reactions or other types of alterations.


To maintain the health of the face it is necessary to correct bad habits and consult with the dermatologist to have a better idea about what care the skin needs.

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