Medicinal Plants To Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins or varicose veins are those that become inflamed and can be seen through the skin. They are a common condition that often has no symptoms. Other times they cause pain from circulation problems. Whether for aesthetics or pain, you can use medicinal plants to treat varicose veins.

These, due to their active ingredients, can help us promote circulation in the legs, avoiding thrombi and reducing the incidence of varicose veins. It is a complement that can be of great help to you. We explain it to you.

Why do varicose veins appear?

Varicose veins

Suffering from varicose veins is something really common. Our heart must push the blood with sufficient force to a complex network of arteries, veins and capillaries. It is a journey of nutrients and oxygen, where at times, your impulse does not arrive with enough force.

It can stop in the farthest corners, on the feet and hands, and on veins trapped by poor posture, or by their improper health. Therefore, the blood ends up accumulating either in the form of spiders or more prominent veins.

Veins are distinguished from arteries in that they are much thinner. In addition, they have valves that prevent the blood from going back up to the heart so easily. If, for whatever reason,  our veins are not particularly healthy, blood accumulates in them and cannot flow.

Then the walls of the veins widen, resulting in valves losing the ability to retain blood, which causes varicose veins. The factors that determine them are usually the following:

  • Hereditary factors.
  • A sedentary life.
  • Bad nutrition.
  • Hormonal problems
  • Obesity.
  • The tobacco habit.

If you wish, you can treat varicose veins with laser treatment. Sometimes, in the case of the thickest and most painful veins – and more dangerous – they  can only disappear with surgery. You can also treat varicose veins naturally.

Some medicinal plants to treat varicose veins

First we must be clear about one aspect: these medicinal herbs are not going to make our varicose veins disappear. They will lower them and improve our circulation. 

If you combine a proper diet of fruits and vegetables, with plenty of fluids, vitamin C, some exercise, and the following herbal remedies, then we may be doing a lot more to treat varicose veins. Take note.

1. Horse chestnut

Horse chestnut is one of the medicinal plants to treat varicose veins

It is undoubtedly one of the most important medicinal plants to treat varicose veins. You can find it in natural stores in the form of capsules or infusions. It is thus a more than ideal remedy, since its effects have been demonstrated by studies.

Both the seed and the bark of the tree have anti-inflammatory properties and help the proper circulation of the veins and arteries. We will only use these elements.

It is a wonderful natural element to correct varicose veins, hemorrhoids, tired legs. All thanks to its ability to stimulate blood circulation, and oxygenation.

It is ideal if you prepare an infusion every day in the afternoon with a tablespoon of its seeds. However, if you have high blood pressure or heart problems, this infusion will not be indicated.

2. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is one of the medicinal plants to treat varicose veins

If you do not know the virtues of witch hazel, we will tell you: its leaves contain flavonoids and tannins, beneficial for treating circulatory disorders. They have a venotonic action, which helps us to contract blood vessels, capillaries and veins, thus improving blood flow.

In addition, its so-called vitamin P manages to make veins and capillaries smaller, reducing inflammation and edema. You should know that witch hazel infusion is good for varicose veins, but not for your stomach. So it is not indicated when you suffer from gastritis or when you have a more sensitive stomach.

It is usually recommended to combine it with marshmallow, as this relieves its action against the stomach. Try to drink this infusion about three times a week.

3. Yarrow

This plant may not sound so familiar to you. You can find it in natural stores like “La Achillea Millefolium”, or Herb of Achilles. It is basically a wonderful hypotensive, relieves varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

It is also healing, antispasmodic, bactericidal and sedative. You can consume a cup a day in the afternoon. The taste is very nice.

4. Horsetail

Horsetail is another of the medicinal plants to treat varicose veins

Another of the medicinal plants to treat varicose veins is the hair tail. Excellent hypotensive that will immediately improve the circulation of your legs.  To take advantage of it, you must make a decoction with its dried plant, letting it herb for at least 20 minutes. You can drink up to two cups a day.

5. Dried cranberries

If you have the opportunity to find dried cranberries in your market, do not hesitate, get them. The flavor is incredible and you will get a perfect natural treatment to improve not only your circulation in your legs, but also reduce and treat varicose veins.

One tablespoon of them is enough for each cup of boiling water. And you can do up to two a day, especially after your meals. If you can’t find dried cranberries, you can also find cranberry tea in supermarkets, and it’s just as acceptable.

You will love its flavor, especially if you add a few drops of lemon juice when you drink it. Remember that vitamin C is also great for treating varicose veins,  since you get oxygenation and improve circulation. 

Now that you know these medicinal plants to treat varicose veins, you can use them to improve your circulation and thus reduce pain . Remember to visit your doctor if the inflammation or pain is very strong, or if you are looking for a faster and permanent solution to disappear varicose veins.

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