We Are A Wonderful Chance Full Of Intention

Although there are many who consider that “coincidences do not exist”, there are also many people who consider that everything that happens to us every day is a subtle combination between chance and intention. Have you met people with one position or another? Maybe yes, and more than once.

Although we cannot understand our life according to the most radical aspect of the “law of attraction”, which supposes wanting something with intensity so that the universe itself grants it … we cannot close ourselves to the idea that certain issues occur beyond what that – consciously – we have desired at some point.

Being receptive in this sense not only allows us to go further, but also to appreciate the different points of view that exist, in addition to those already mentioned above.

If life makes someone interesting feel next to us, the magic will not work if we close ourselves to see, or rather, appreciate that person. If we do not look up from our cell phone and if we do not free ourselves for a moment of our self-absorption to see, discover and feel … we will not see beyond our noses. No matter how much content is available on the internet.

A chance is an opportunity

In the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, we find the following definition of chance : ‘combination of circumstances that cannot be foreseen or avoided’. 

Many people tend to associate the term chance with destiny, or to be more exact, the fate of the ancient Greeks: ‘in the classical tradition, an unknown force that works irresistibly on gods, men and events’.

Due to this type of association, the idea arises that a coincidence is a chaos that we cannot understand and that are beyond our control.

In our life there are many details, aspects and experiences that, for better and for worse, escape our hands. However, this lack of control should not scare or worry us excessively, because it can bring with it important growth opportunities.

If we think about it, the most wonderful people and things that we have with us right now, in our minds and hearts, seem to have arrived precisely “by chance”, through a chaos that, although we do not understand, we gladly receive and celebrate.

Let’s reflect.

Be receptive to opportunities

Keys to mitigate anxiety.

You are invited to a party, but you decide not to go because you don’t like another guest. You’re at work and they suggest you go out to eat in a group but, in the end, you decline the offer because you want to get ahead of things. A friend tells you that another friend of his is interested in you. Now, you are somewhat shy and you indicate that that kind of thing and blind dates do not go with you …

  • If you realize it, every day there are endless opportunities to appreciate life under a different shade, meet new people and connect with the good.
  • Being receptive does not mean, at all, saying yes to everything even when it feels like it. It’s simply about not closing in on every unexpected turn, just out of fear of the unknown or out of fear of stepping out of your comfort zone.
  • Leaving the comfort zone will help you connect with those wonderful coincidences, expand your horizons and get out of the routine. So, let yourself go and enjoy.
  • But beware, you do not have to force yourself to anything, nor lose your identity.

The coincidences and uncertainties

People see ourselves as rational beings. And while that is true, we must not forget that we have an important emotional component. For this reason, sometimes we do not know how to respond very well to uncertainty.

  • Chance has made you meet someone in your yoga, language or art classes. Your uncertainty is in knowing if it will be correct or not to talk to him, in proposing a date.
  • Somehow, we all live surrounded by uncertainty. We can’t take anything for granted, but still, we strive so that every day everything is more or less under our control.
  • All of this explains why we are so afraid to “jump in”, take the first step, say the first word. However, such risky leaps into the void sometimes offer us incredible results.

    The most beautiful coincidences in life

    Group of friends smiling.

    Now let’s do a little memory exercise. The people who are with you and who you love the most… How did they reach you?

    • The most beautiful coincidences come unexpectedly, but if they stay by your side it is because there is will. There is a clear intention for that link to be created.
    • So, and if we think about it, we will realize that chance played a great role. There is no doubt, it made you meet, surely, the love of your life. However, it is the “intention” the real force that united you, the one that made you feel closer to each other every day.

    The most beautiful coincidences of your life were brought to you by fate, but you propitiated that occasion, that coincidence. You chose to take that path and you risked walking it.

    Because there are always things and people that deserve that we take that leap into the void, that leap of faith to try to be happy and, in turn, give happiness.

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