How To Practice Stress Meditation At Home

There are times when worries and anxiety hammer us day and night. We cannot disconnect from obligations and clear that anguish that invades us. In this way, what happens is that we do not rest. Therefore, in this article  we explain how to practice stress meditation. You dare?

8 keys to practicing anti-stress meditation

Sometimes it costs. We ask ourselves: How to combine our obligations with that moment of anti-stress meditation? We wake up with many tasks to do and we go to bed with all our attention on as many commitments for the next day.

Stop to identify if the previous paragraph is an example of what you usually live in your day to day. If so, learning to organize times and set limits can help you manage that state of worry that hinders adequate rest.

The guideline is to try to balance, prioritizing your health and emotions. Stress can cause us serious disorders, so it is preferable to see it as an enemy to dominate and to make small in order to handle it.

We explain how to practice stress meditation.

1. Emotional agenda

Do you have an agenda in which to write down your daily activities? A planning of the next tasks, appointments, meetings or visits to the doctor?

Do the same with your personal emotions and concerns. Dedicate at least an hour or two to yourself each day. To do what you like, be alone and practice anti-stress meditation. Your emotions take priority, so you try to make room for them in your routine. You deserve it and you need it.

2. A moment of tranquility

It doesn’t matter where it is. In your room, in the kitchen or in a park. It consists of being calm and surrounded by an environment that is placid and comforting. If you wish, listen to some music that you like in turn, but it is about enjoying a moment of solitude.

3. Regulate your breathing

Let’s now take care of the breath. Once you are comfortable, begin taking a deep breath through your nose . Allow your chest to swell and then slowly release that air through your mouth.

If you repeat it six or seven times, you will begin to notice a pleasant tingling in the body, you will feel better and with more peace.

4. Focus thoughts

What are we going to do next? Visualize the issues in our life that concern us the most. Do you feel pressure at work? Do you have problems with your partner?

Focus on those images and keep breathing. In this way we will try to reduce the tension we experience and soften the intensity of fear associated with those thoughts.

5. Positive images

Once you have focused on those images that distress you the most , let’s now go on to visualize pleasant aspects, experiences that you would like to be living and that would make you happy.

They should be simple experiences: a walk on the beach, touching the bark of a tree, walking through a quiet city where the sun illuminates your face and the noise of the nearby cafes accompanies you with a delicious smell of coffee … make you happy. Visualize it and keep breathing deeply.

6. The silence

Now we close our eyes for at least two minutes. Try not to think of anything, just let the silence envelop you. You’re at peace, you’re okay, there’s no pressure. Only you are in a quiet world, where there are no threats and everything is warm and pleasant.

7. Open your eyes in a renewed way

It is time to open your eyes and breathe normally again. Look around you without moving, without getting up. Allow about five minutes to pass before walking again. You may feel much better, lighter, and less discomfort.

8. New perspectives

Now that you are more relaxed, try to think what you can do to feel better day by day. Being a little happier sometimes requires that we have to make small changes. And the good thing about stress meditation is that it progressively transforms our attitude. 

It requires us to make small variations to find balance, incorporate positive thoughts and that worries dissolve like smoke escaping through a window.

Final note

So how can we manage to manage stress? With courage.

Looking forward to feeling good every day to enjoy more of ourselves and ours.

Get started today, don’t hesitate. At first it will be more difficult, but little by little and with practice, the way to free yourself from stress will become easier and easier. Cheer up!

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