Recipe For Natural Depilatory Wax

Did you know that you can remove hair with natural depilatory wax made at home?

It is a response to the need that most people have to remove unwanted hair from different areas of their body.

There are, therefore, different hair removal methods that remove it completely to leave the skin clean and smooth.

The waxing technique, creams or blades are part of the tools that can be accessed for this purpose.

However, many of these are expensive and often have some adverse effects such as irritation and redness, or the appearance of ingrown hair.

Homemade natural hair removal treatments have gained popularity in recent years.

Likewise, they are  a healthy, inexpensive and simple alternative to doing this beauty habit.

What is this natural hair removal product?

natural depilatory wax

To be able to create natural depilatory wax you will have to get  a sticky sugar paste.

The recipe comes from the Middle East, where women have used it since ancient times as their beauty secret to keep skin soft, radiant and free of those pesky hairs.

One of the reasons why it has spread around the world as a good hair removal technique is because it uses 100% natural ingredients that do not cause side effects or are aggressive to the skin.

In addition, this natural depilatory wax can be very effective and is very inexpensive.

How to prepare this natural depilatory wax at home?

natural depilatory wax with sugar

The method of preparing this natural wax is very simple, it does not take much time and the result is spectacular.

The resulting product can be used to remove hair that appears on the legs, arms, eyebrows and even the so-called bikini area (the groin).

However, in the latter case, great care must be taken because the skin is more delicate.


  • 2 cups of sugar (240 g)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A splash of water


It is a similar technique to the one you use when you are going to prepare a syrup for desserts.

The difference that you should keep in mind is that it should not be too dense because it could cause difficulties when applying it.

  • Add the ingredients to a saucepan and bring them to medium-high heat.
  • Stir constantly and, when it starts to boil, lower the heat and remove it when it has reached the ideal sticky consistency.

You will know that it is at its point  when it achieves a slight golden hue.

Be very careful over time, as the sugar could burn. 

When it’s done, let it sit at a not too low temperature so it doesn’t get hard soon.

Application mode

natural wax application

  • To start,  clean the part of the body that you want to wax very well so that the wax will adhere better to the skin.
  • Next, apply a small amount of almond oil to your hands so the wax doesn’t stick to you.
  • Next, place a part of the wax in the opposite direction to the growth of the hair, stick a cloth on it with slight pressure and without pausing, give the pull to remove the hairs.
  • Repeat the same process in all the areas you want to treat and remember to finish with the application of a mild moisturizer.

The result is smooth, smoother, hair-free skin.

The best part is that it also has an exfoliating action, which helps remove dead skin cells to leave it with a lighter and younger tone.

If after the pull there is redness, it is advisable to apply a little ice  to soothe the area.

The ideal is to practice this technique more frequently so that it becomes increasingly simple and effective. Do you dare to try it?

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