Discover 7 Foods To Clean And Strengthen Your Arteries

Cardiovascular disease takes the lives of thousands of people around the world each year. The origin is almost always in atherosclerosis, which according to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, defines as the “hardening of the arteries”, and that occurs when fat, cholesterol and other substances accumulate in the walls of the arteries .

These deposits are called plaques, and over time, they can narrow or completely clog the arteries and cause problems throughout the body. Atherosclerosis is a common condition.

So we must prevent it. It is vital that we take care of the health of our arteries, especially if we have a genetic background and if, for example, we have already reached menopause.

We invite you to know 7 foods that should not be missing in your diet to clean and strengthen your arteries. Are you going to miss it?

First of all, we will start by making an important clarification about what is atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. 

The first is considered more serious by focusing on those arteries close to the heart, that is, the thickest. For its part, arteriosclerosis affects the small arteries, where there also appears a narrowing due to the accumulation of fat and other substances.

Foods to strengthen your arteries

1. Pomegranate juice

It is interesting to know that taking pomegranate juice regularly will help us enjoy better heart health, and reduce the incidence of both atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis.

  • It helps us clean the arteries, also reducing oxidative stress.
  • It prevents fat from accumulating in the heart muscles.

2. The avocado


Some people avoid consuming it because they think it can make us gain weight. The secret of avocados, despite being a caloric food, is to always take it in moderation and balance.

You can enjoy half an avocado every day combined with your salads, for example, where you include fiber and rich green leafy vegetables. The reason? They have vitamin B, a very healthy element for our heart.

Avocados are rich in those fats capable of preventing oxidation in our body and preventing fatty plaques from adhering to the arteries.

3. Garlic

As you already know, garlic is one of the best natural antibiotics that exist  and, in turn, it is an ideal treatment to take care of the health of our heart every day:

  • Garlic is rich in antioxidants.
  • It helps us to fight bad cholesterol or LDL, and to raise the “good” one.
  • Garlic also improves blood flow and regulates our tension.

The secret is to take a clove of garlic with a glass of water every day. If you are worried about bad breath, just have a sip of milk afterwards or put a few mint leaves in your mouth. It is very effective!

4. Apples

Green apple

For the apple to take care of our heart and our arteries, we must consume it with the skin. It is here where the pectin is found in a higher level, as well as the fiber, which will help us in turn to reduce cholesterol.

Nor should we forget that apples are rich in flavonoids, very necessary to reduce inflammation and avoid dangerous hardening of the arteries.

5. Yes to nuts

Yes to eat between 4 or 5 nuts a day,  yes to hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews … Nuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, necessary to take care of our heart and reduce bad cholesterol.

Combine them as you wish: in your breakfasts with a natural yogurt, in your salads or as simple snacks when you feel hungry between meals. Now … Remember to always eat them without salt!

6. Yes to olive oil

Cold-pressed virgin olive oil protects us against numerous heart diseases. You may be wondering what we mean by “cold pressing”. We explain it to you.

  • Cold-pressed oil is one that keeps the same biological characteristics that it had when it was found naturally, that is, from the seed or the fruit.
  • Olive oil is obtained from the olive tree, from the pulp of its fruit. What reaches us must be “the perfect plant substance”, made in the most natural way possible.

The temperature is monitored so that it never exceeds 40 ÂșC and, thus, the molecular stability of the fatty acids is respected.

  • Thanks to this natural process and that cold pressing, olive oil is a very healthy type of fat for our heart and to protect our arteries.

So do not forget to always look for the best quality olive oil !

7. The great benefits of sesame seeds

sesame to strengthen your arteries

Did you know that sesame seeds are a treasure trove of benefits for our hearts?

Add them naturally to your breakfasts or salads because, in addition to being suitable for reducing arthritis pain, they act as great cardioprotectors, very suitable for preventing atherosclerosis. 

As a final note to point out that the best way to prevent this type of cardiovascular disease will always be to eat a balanced diet, do a little daily exercise and avoid dangerous habits such as tobacco.

Check your blood pressure regularly and do not forget to do periodic tests to control your cholesterol level. Don’t forget to manage your stress and boost your positive emotions either!

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