Causes Of Bad Breath

Bad breath is often associated with poor oral hygiene. We present some important keys to remedy this problem that can affect you and those around you so much …

Few situations are more uncomfortable and shocking than perceiving bad breath in oneself. And not to mention if we are close to someone with this problem … In any of the cases, halitosis can seriously affect interpersonal relationships and a person’s selfconfidence. Therefore, we propose you to know what are the causes of bad breath and how to solve it.

Triggers for this problem are generally oral in origin. A study published by Medifam establishes that 90% of halitosis cases are born in the oral cavity. In turn, in many of these cases the problem has to do with the accumulation of bacterial plaque on the tongue.

The other cases are related to cavities, periodontal problems, smoking, food eaten and other conditions of the mouth, nose or throat, according to a Mayo Clinic publication.

In the latter case, there are systemic diseases that cause halitosis. These are usually respiratory, digestive, liver, and kidney problems. Sometimes the use of certain medications or some organic states also influences.

The truth is that halitosis is not always detected by those who suffer from it, but those who approach that person usually notice it. It is not a health problem as such, but it does cause social inconvenience.

For that reason, it is important to detect the causes of bad breath in order to treat the situation appropriately. Let’s look at this in more detail.

The causes of bad breath

bad breath

Before examining the causes of bad breath in detail, it should be noted that science has established a premise. As stated in a 2006 British Medical Journal publication , halitosis is caused mainly by the presence of bacteria.

In the mouth there are bacteria that settle in areas with little oxygen, such as behind the tongue. Such bacteria feed on the remains of food that remain in the oral cavity, as well as on dead cells and some elements of saliva.

In their activity, these microorganisms generate gases that are exhaled in the breath. All of these are volatile sulfuric compounds (CSV), which have harsh odors.

According to the American Dental Association, the main measure to get rid of these odors is to maintain proper oral hygiene, which includes a tooth brush that includes the tongue and the most hidden corners of the mouth. With that said, let’s move on to look at the main causes of bad breath.

Dirty teeth and infected gums

Most people brush their teeth very superficially. It is important to learn to perform proper oral hygiene, which includes the tongue and the areas furthest from the mouth.

It is not necessary to brush vigorously, but carefully and frequently. Infected gums appear when dental floss is not used during brushing. It is necessary to use this element to remove the remains of food that go unnoticed. It is also advisable to visit the dentist at least twice a year.

Coated tongue

The coated tongue  is one that appears covered by a whitish or yellowish layer. A thesis presented at the University of the Americas details that it is due to an accumulation of bacteria or food debris as a result of inadequate oral cleaning. Sometimes it is also a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases.

To prevent this and other problems, the tongue should be gently cleaned with a soft bristle brush, trying to cover its entire surface. It is good to clean it all around, although it is not advisable to go too far back, as this can cause gagging.

Dry mouth

There needs to be saliva in the mouth to clean the bacteria on the teeth, gums, and tongue. However, there are some circumstances that lead to a dry mouth; then bacteria proliferate and, with them, halitosis.

There is dryness in the mouth when we do not eat food regularly and we have an empty stomach. Therefore, it is best not to spend a lot of time without eating and have snacks between meals.

Likewise, stress and anxiety can cause a reduction in saliva production, according to a recent study published in a specialized dental journal.

Overuse of mouthwashes

There is a widespread myth that frequent use of mouthwashes can prevent bad breath, but it is not true. While it is true that the rinse generates a good aroma in the mouth immediately, using it in excess could irritate the oral cavity. It is best to rinse in moderation.

If you want a feeling of freshness, it may be better to rinse with a glass of water with a few drops of mint. Essential oil rinses are also effective, according to a study published by the Mexican Dental Magazine.

Other causes of bad breath to avoid

As we noted earlier, there are several other factors that can cause bad breath. For example, smoking is one of them, and there are studies that confirm it. An example is the one published by the  Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences .

On the other hand, the use of medications and infections of the mouth, nose or throat can also be triggers. In any of the cases mentioned, it is best to consult with the doctor to find the origin of the problem. In this way, the most convenient treatment can be indicated.

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