Why Is Our Skin Dry, Combination Or Oily?

Our body does not assimilate certain fats because it considers them unnatural and expels them through the pores of the skin, in the form of oily skin, with pimples, boils, pimples, blackheads, etc.

Some people have normal skin, but the vast majority have a special skin with some specific characteristic, with a tendency to be too dry or too oily, or some people even have a combination of both, with the T zone (forehead, nose and chin ) oily and dry cheeks.

In this article we explain why these imbalances happen and in what natural ways we can treat them to naturally balance the health of our skin. Remember, however, to go to the dermatologist before carrying out any alternative.

Dry skin

It is a clear symptom that our body is lacking some nutrients, and therefore we must treat it both internally, with food and some supplements, and externally, hydrating and nourishing it in depth.

From the inside we must include in our diet foods rich in healthy fats, which are those that provide shine, elasticity and hydration, preventing it from drying out and aging. They are as follows:

  • Top quality vegetable oils: olive, coconut, sesame, flax, evening primrose, wheat germ, etc.
  • Nuts such as macadamia nuts, hazelnuts or almonds, which we can also take as a vegetable drink
  • Blue Fish
  • Egg, since the yolk contains healthy fats. But we will consume them preferably organic
  • Avocado, an excellent fruit high in good fats
  • Chia, flax and sesame seeds, raw and ground, to add to meals or juices

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It is also essential to drink water, natural juices and infusions outside of meals, so that our body does not lack water. Therefore, we will make sure to drink at least 8 glasses of water, two of them on an empty stomach.

Externally we will hydrate with natural products, if possible ecological, or with vegetable oils. These are the most nutritious that we can find:

  • Shea butter
  • Argan
  • rosehip
  • Almond
  • Olive

Finally, dry skin requires that at least once a week, we apply a mask to nourish more deeply. We can try or alternate these combinations:

  • Ground oats and brewer’s yeast
  • Ripe banana and honey
  • Avocado and flax oil

Complexion WildBeauty

Oily skin

In this case, in addition to incorporating healthy foods like those we have mentioned above, especially we must avoid or limit the consumption of harmful fats. The foods that we should avoid are the following:

  • Red meat
  • Sausages
  • Fatty cheeses
  • Industrial pastries
  • Sweet
  • Junk food

On the other hand, we will try to drink daily, in addition to the 8 glasses of water, natural apple and carrot juices, which are very important foods for our skin and our health in general.

carrot juice Food Thinkers

Externally, we must give priority to cleaning the skin, always with natural products, since the conventional ones are too aggressive and in the long run can precisely cause too dry skin, as a rebound effect. For this reason we will use natural ingredients or foods such as:

  • Cucumber peeling
  • Floral waters (rose, witch hazel, orange blossom)
  • We can also make a homemade preparation with one part organic apple cider vinegar and three parts natural water.

After cleaning, we must also hydrate our skin, but with low-fat products, such as coconut oil or aloe vera.

Finally, to enhance deep cleaning, we will apply a clay mask at least once a week , which not only cleans toxins and excess oil but also provides minerals.

Combination skin

In the latter case, we will follow the previous instructions and we will test the products that best suit our skin, depending on whether it is drier or more oily, combining even more than one product on our face, by areas.

We especially recommend moisturizing the skin with:

  • Coconut oil
  • Jojoba oil

As for the masks, we will make a moisturizing mask for one week (see Dry skin) and another week a purifying mask (see Oily skin), but combining the clay with yogurt instead of water so that it does not dry out the skin excessively .

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