Do You Want To Show Off More Toned Buttocks And Legs? Don’t Miss These 5 Exercises

Even if you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can spend a few minutes every day doing these exercises and toning your buttocks and legs. If you combine them with other good habits, you will notice results in no time.

The glutes and legs need to be exercised regularly to keep them strong and toned. Although its condition may vary from person to person, carelessness often leads to muscle weakness and sagging skin.

The most annoying thing is that this can cause stretch marks, cellulite and other aesthetic problems that prevent you from looking like many people want. Next, we are going to tell you about some jobs for the lower extremities.

1. Squats to strengthen legs and glutes

Squats for cellulite

When it comes to toning your legs and glutes, squats are one of the most effective and easy exercises to perform. They focus on working the muscles of the legs: they increase their volume and strengthen the mass to avoid breaking the fibers.

Likewise, a Harvard Health Publishing publication highlights that they also represent a method to train the mid-zone, since they require its contraction to maintain stability. According to this article, the technique is as follows:

  • Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Then, with your arms in front, lower your hips, as if imitating the action of sitting in a chair.
  • Lower your glutes as far as you can and hold for three seconds before returning to the starting position.
  • Perform 10-15 reps and complete three sets.
  • To increase the difficulty of the work, you can squat by adding weight with a barbell or dumbbells.

2. Bench hip extension

Hip extension is a very simple activity that, due to its physical demand, helps to improve the strength of the buttocks and legs. As with the rest of the exercises that we will list, its regular practice helps reduce muscle flaccidity.

  • Lie face down on a bench or firm surface so that your hips are at the end and your feet hang down.
  • Next, lift both legs and pull your glute and thigh muscles up.
  • The legs should be at the height of the hips.
  • You can alternate this exercise with little kicks in the air, which also demand the effort of the gluteal muscles.
  • Hold the pose for three seconds; Do three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

3. Lunges

Woman doing lunge exercises.

The lunges are focused on the work of the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. This work allows to strengthen the lower part of the body, so that the loss of firmness and elasticity decreases. The Harvard Health publication cited above details the following technique to perform it:

  • Stand up straight with one leg forward and one back.
  • Keep your torso straight and grab a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Bend your front leg and lower the knee of your back leg so that it almost touches the ground.
  • Make sure to avoid front knee movements to prevent injury.
  • Go up to the starting position and repeat the movement 12 to 15 times.
  • Complete three or four sets on each leg.

4. Buttock press on plank

This exercise is focused on the gluteal work. Therefore, it can contribute to its firmness and help reduce common problems such as flaccidity and cellulite.

  • Face down, resting on the balls of your feet and the palms of your hands, spread your knees hip-width apart and place your elbows in a straight line with your shoulders.
  • Tighten your abdominal area and make sure to keep your back straight and aligned with the rest of your body.
  • Next, lift your left leg until the knee is at hip level.
  • Flex it and pull your glutes for about three seconds. Then return to the starting position.
  • Do 15 reps with each leg.

5. Bridge

Bridging exercise for scoliosis

The bridge or pelvic lift is a very complete exercise that, in addition to toning the buttocks, strengthens the legs and abdomen. The technique to carry it out is the following:

  • Lie down on a mat, with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Put your hands at the sides of your body, then lift your pelvis while you push your glutes and thighs.
  • Hold the position for about three seconds and return to the ground.
  • Perform 10-15 reps and complete three or four sets.

    Train the whole body, in addition to the glutes and legs

    Beyond the importance of training the lower extremities from the aforementioned exercises, it must be taken into account that fat cannot be eliminated locally, as stated in a study published by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research . Therefore, you must train the whole body to generate a comprehensive improvement in its composition.

    Ultimately, also remember the importance of eating a balanced diet, which will allow you to decrease fat levels and gain muscle as you exercise. With this care and perseverance, you will show off legs and buttocks like the ones you have always wanted. Courage and train!

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