To Be A Mother Is To Have The Heart Outside The Body

Being a mother is a personal choice that every woman can make  when she thinks it is time. It does not matter that you are young, or that you are in that moment of personal and professional balance where, at last, you tell yourself, and your partner, that you want to take the step.

Being a mother changes your life. Another order of priorities is established, the world is observed from another perspective and, even, the way you see yourself also varies. Nothing can be so great and, although you are very aware of your responsibility, it is something that you live with emotion and fulfillment.

It is often said that being a mother is like having your heart outside your body. That’s how it is. However, it is also worth noting the role of parents, that companion who helps you and who enriches your life and who is also essential in the child’s life.

On the other hand, if you and your son form a single-parent family, it is something that does not scare you or suppose you have doubts. Because motherhood endows a woman with an innate wisdom, where care and that magical bond with her child are something that grows, day after day.

Affective ties from birth

Sometimes, many experts tell us that the moment of childbirth is a whole hormonal explosion capable of creating a very intense bond with that child who has just come.

Being a mother is having the heart outside the body.

Oxytocin, for example, has so much power that, at times, it can not only increase that union, that bond with the new baby, but it can also cause us stress, suffering and that common sense of doubt: ¿¿¿¿ Am I doing it right? Are you crying because there is something wrong?

The suffering of the first weeks is normal. Babies seem very fragile but, in reality, they are beings doomed to live and they do so thanks to your strength, to that bond that you create with them from the time they grow inside you until the end of your days.

The importance of stroking your baby

Surely, more than once, you will have been amazed by these news of babies who are presumed dead at birth and, when they are taken to the warmth of their mother to say goodbye, the child, almost spontaneously, begins to cry . It begins to live.

The skin of the mother is the extension of the child and, therefore, it is vital that we do not lose that union during the first months. It is part of your heart. The baby needs you in these periods to find security, affection and that attachment that every child craves when it comes into the world.

Mom with baby

The adventure of being a mother

Your children will always be part of you, but you will encourage them to be good inhabitants of this world. And, for this, you will not hesitate to favor their union with every aspect of their day to day, because you know that overprotection is not adequate.

Children must be able to learn to feel useful, see that they are capable of doing things for themselves, and that life, sometimes, also requires effort and dedication.

You know that you will always take care of your baby, but you will also help him to be independent, mature, happy. And you will always be with him, supporting him, giving him confidence so that he feels safe and reaches every star that inhabits his dreams.

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The values ​​of the land and the heart that you will offer

You will offer your child those values ​​that are your own and that you know will help him to be a person of integrity, happy and, above all, capable of making this world a much better place.

  • As a mother, you will teach her the value of being free, of being able to make her own decisions, of knowing how to listen to her voice and defend her opinions.
  • You will guide him every day in respect for nature and for all living beings. Because we all deserve to live in respect and balance, because the Earth is a beautiful place that deserves to be defended.
  • You will teach him what respect is, the value of the simple act of trusting oneself and others to bond, to know how to establish positive and stable relationships.
  • You will make him understand the value of love. The love that begins with his person and that must accompany him throughout his life, and you will suggest in turn, that in order to offer love to others, he must put aside the ego, manipulation and deception.

The great contribution of being a mother

Being a mother is not easy. It requires dedication 24 hours a day for 12 months a year, and for a lifetime. However, it is an obligation that does not weigh and that, in turn, enriches.

Because every day you learn new things with your children, the gaze of a child is always a window to our soul, to that purest essence where we manage to relativize many things.

Do not hesitate to follow your instincts, your intuitions, because your heart will always guide you on the best path to educate happy people.

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