3 Incredible Drinks With Banana That Will Help You Lose Weight

The banana, like the rest of the fruits, is a highly recommended food to complement a healthy diet. Here we tell you more about it.

We will share the recipes for some banana drinks that will not only be healthy, but also delicious. Yes, with that fruit that, according to it used to be believed, was not very convenient to eat when looking to lose weight.

For many decades there has been a false belief that banana is not a suitable food to include in diets for weight loss purposes.

However, several studies have shown that the banana is a beneficial food for the body and that it can contribute to weight loss when included in a balanced diet.

Why eat banana?

A banana can have up to 450 milligrams of potassium, which is a mineral that participates in multiple processes in the body. It is also a source of vitamin A, B, C and minerals such as iron, copper, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

Being a fruit, it also contains  intrinsic or natural sugars, such as fructose, sucrose and glucose, which provide the body with energy, while increasing the feeling of satiety to avoid excess food. And, of course, it also contains pectin and fiber, which help regulate intestinal transit.

On the other hand, the banana contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which helps the body to make its own proteins. It also stimulates the secretion of serotonin, a neurotransmitter closely related to mood.

So, due to its fiber content and various nutrients, such as potassium, this delicious fruit can help combat fluid retention that accumulates in the body and also causes inflammation in the belly and other areas of the body, as well as regulate intestinal transit.

By combining it with other healthy and nutritious foods you can obtain satisfying preparations that will also help you lose weight in a healthy way. And best of all: without draining your energy.

Banana drinks to lose weight

If you combine bananas with fresh, natural and healthy foods, such as wild berries, oats, flax seeds and spinach, you can obtain satiating smoothies, ideal to avoid the consumption of sweets and edibles that can prevent you from achieving your goals. when wanting to lose a few extra pounds.

1. Banana and flaxseed smoothie

Banana kefir shake

The first of the banana drinks that we recommend you include in your diet to lose weight includes flaxseed, a natural ingredient that will also help you satisfy your appetite and improve your digestion process.


  • 1 banana
  • The juice of an orange.
  • 2 tablespoons of buttermilk.
  • 2 tablespoons of flax seeds.


Put all the ingredients in the blender and beat until they are completely integrated. For best results, this drink should be consumed with breakfast.

Note : You can substitute the buttermilk for kefir, if you prefer.

2. Banana and spinach smoothie

The second of the banana drinks that we propose will provide you with extra energy and vitamins so that you can start the day in the best possible way.

In addition, it is a recommended mixture to improve sports performance and control anxiety to eat.


  • 1 banana
  • ⅓ cup of cereal.
  • 200 g of fresh spinach.
  • ½ cup of low calorie yogurt.
  • Optional: 1 teaspoon of honey (5 g).


Put all the ingredients in the blender and beat them until they are completely integrated. As in the previous case, it should be consumed as a mid-morning snack or as a complement to breakfast.

3. Banana smoothie with strawberries

This delicious drink provides your body with a significant amount of antioxidants and other essential nutrients to improve health and lose weight.

Its ingredients decrease your appetite and prevent you from eating excess calories during the day ; In addition, it is good to combat fluid retention and prevent constipation.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup of strawberries
  • ½ cup of warm water.
  • Grated ginger (to taste)
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon of honey (5 g).


Put all the ingredients in the blender and beat them until they are well integrated. Consume this very cool shake with your breakfast or before training.

Give them a try!

Remember that these shakes are just a supplement that can help you lose weight, as long as you follow a healthy diet and exercise daily. By themselves, they will not make you lose weight. 

If you think that the banana is not for you, remember that there are many other fruit options (such as apple, papaya or pear, for example) that can help you prepare and enjoy a delicious filling smoothie.

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