Stay With Whoever You Can Be In Essence And With Freedom

Stay with those people with whom you can be you in all your essence and with total freedom. With those that take from you the sincere, the genuine and the true. May they strive to deepen and express your being and make you enjoy how wonderful it is to be yourself.

Stay with these people because they are so wonderful that they are indescribable, generate full confidence and guarantee your well-being at all times.

Keep them, because maintaining this type of relationship helps us to deepen ourselves, to mark our identity, our essence and our interests. Also to strengthen ties with our environment.

Hands that transmit light

Being authentic is not submitting to expectations. Freedom above all

We are often able to deny that we like one type of music or that we are interested in some hobbies and not others. Little by little, overcome by expectations, we are ceasing to be ourselves in the exterior and, what is worse, in our interior life.

In short: we sacrifice our essence, our freedom. We end up dwarfing ourselves, diminishing our emotions and becoming a nondescript cutout of what we were or still are but do not show. This makes our relationships less and less satisfactory and more fragile.

For this reason, when people full of warmth and tenderness appear in our lives, we manage to feel really good. We do not have emotional ties and we feel new illusions before day to day with freedom to enjoy them.

Sadly it is difficult to establish a relationship where we feel like this. This makes perhaps more special the fact of finding someone with whom to share our experiences, feelings and thoughts in a totally genuine and natural way.

Make it up to yourself

In order to enjoy these very positive exchanges, we first have to make friends with ourselves, something that real people help.

That is, being yourself with total freedom depends a lot on one element. How comfortable we feel with our environment, as it will be a great point of support to validate ourselves.

Likewise, these people help us to promote an inner work articulated in these points:

  • Accepting ourselves as unique and unrepeatable people is a basic and indispensable aspect. It is perfectly normal that we want to show our kindest face to others. However, behaving naturally will be what is truly most genuine. That makes us feel that we are expressing ourselves freely.
  • Do not focus on the image that others have but on the one we project. This will help us to be more authentic and spontaneous.
  • Be clear that our worth does not depend on how is what we compare ourselves to. It is important that we work to be better and better. But always according to our ideals and values, not to resemble or surpass anyone.

    Keep those who make you a better person by your side

    Being yourself is a great challenge in a world where you sell what you try to appear. Trying to always show the desirable will incapacitate us to forge truly solid and sincere relationships.

    Thanks to these relationships we know that absence or distance never means forgetting.  On the contrary, the affection for that person always remains when it is sincere.

    We also know that each brick must contribute to the construction the most absolute sincerity. We must prevent them from becoming contaminated with selfishness, dependencies and emotional excesses.

    The sincere expression of our thoughts brings us closer and makes us feel great appreciation. Appreciation for those who take the time to listen to us and accept us as we are. Without prejudice, without expectations.

    Only those people who join us should be part of our life. May they intend to do us good. We must move away from those that remain to us and that are not by our side to do us good.

    A note to the reader

    If the reader is interested in knowing more about appreciation, love and sensitivity in the essence of our relationships … We recommend reading Chapter 8 of the book “The Social Animal” by Elliot Aronson. A text on social psychology that will be a real pleasure for the most curious.

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