Importance Of Reducing Carbohydrates Instead Of Fat To Lose Weight

Reducing carbohydrates in our diet will not only allow us to lose weight more easily, but also avoid multiple health problems. It is not about eliminating them, but about choosing the right ones

Are you one of those people who are constantly thinking of new ideas to lose sizes? Do you focus only on the amount of fat you eat without considering anything else? In that case, you should keep reading, because we will tell you about the importance of reducing carbohydrates to have the figure you want.

You may be surprised to find that many of your problems will be solved simply by cutting carbs. The most important thing is that you understand that you should not eliminate carbohydrates completely, but choose the healthiest ones.

1. Low-carb diets fight severe obesity

If you are an excessively overweight person, you should know that Cutting carbohydrates can make you lose about 5 kilos in 6 months . This amount may seem very low to some people. However, severe obesity is a difficult problem to combat and going beyond that standard can considerably reduce your medical problems such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome

    People who are severely obese and follow a low-carbohydrate diet have been shown to:

    • Reduce triglycerides.
    • Improve insulin resistance.
    • Maintain stable levels of insulin.

    In what has to do with weight loss, when making the comparison between those who follow a low-fat diet and a low-carbohydrate one, the results were:

    • Those who followed the low-fat diet only lost between 1.9 and 4.2 kilos in 6 months.
    • Those who received the low-carbohydrate diet lost between 5.8 and 8.6 kilos in 6 months.

    2. Diets that are based on reducing carbohydrates help overweight adolescents

    Low carb diets

    We know that it is important to maintain a healthy weight at all times. However, children and adolescents must have a more intense control  to avoid health problems at an early age.

    In a study carried out in 2000, it was found that a diet that aims to reduce carbohydrates reduces weight and risks of cardiovascular problems in obese adolescents.  This was done over 12 weeks and the results were surprising: on average, the participants lost about 9 kilos of weight.

    It is important to remember that, in adolescents, making these changes is very important when it comes to their emotional health . By achieving a healthy weight, you also increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

    Something that must be taken into account is that this diet must be accompanied by an education on food to form good habits and correct those that are not helping.

    3. A low-carb diet also improves mood

    Eat little and early

    Have you realized that you are in bad shape all the time? Maybe you get depressed easily and don’t know why? In such a case, you should know that a study found that low-carb diets help:

    • Control your appetite.
    • Fight insomnia.
    • Reduce fatigue.
    • Reduce stomach problems.

    In this sense, it is important to remember that everything we eat influences brain chemistry in some way. In the same way that chocolate helps you be happier, processed carbohydrates cause you constant problems.

    In other study also Reducing negative carbohydrates in your diet is proven to improve your mental alertness . That is, your ability to think and react will be much more efficient.

    Some recommendations when choosing the carbohydrates you will eat

    • The first thing to remember is that n you need to include carbohydrates in your diet . A common misconception is that you must eliminate them completely to lose weight.

    However, a healthy diet requires a moderate amount of carbohydrates for energy. If you don’t get them, in no time you will feel exhausted with the simplest activities.

    • It is important that you combine carbohydrates with good quality fiber . The best options are whole grains, vegetables and fruits. On average, you should consume about 18 grams of fiber to help your body process carbohydrates.
    • Ask your nutritionist to teach you how to count carbohydrates and to indicate the correct amount for you. Making this measurement is very simple, but requires some initial training.

    Now you know: watching the carbohydrates you eat is more important than avoiding fat in your diet.

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