How To Counteract Obesity?

Obesity is a problem that is becoming more and more important every day. The real solution is in prevention. Physical activity and a correct diet are essential to counteract obesity.

Obesity is a social problem present throughout the world, both in developed and undeveloped countries. However, in developed countries the pace of life is much more hectic, which makes the diet not the most appropriate.

Beyond this, there are regions focused on counteracting obesity, such is the case of countries near the Mediterranean Sea. In these countries the so-called Mediterranean diet is well known, which consists of seafood, vegetables and wine.

Despite alternatives like this, obesity remains one of the main causes of death, which is why health agencies in the world are on alert. Countering obesity in the world is vital.

What is obesity?

It is excess weight or overweight due to the exaggerated accumulation of fat mass or adipose tissue. Obesity causes various diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, and can even cause death. This is evidenced by a study published in Circulation Research . It is a problem that we cannot lose sight of as a society and individually.

Types of obesity

6 types of obesity and their causes

Many people are unaware of the obesity classification, which we detail below:

  • Central or android. It is characterized by being one of the most complex due to the risk it represents for the visceral organs. It is called central obesity due to its body location. It is concentrated in the trunk and influences the appearance of diseases such as diabetes.
  • Peripheral or imoid. It includes the accumulation of fat in the lower area, from the waist down. It is associated with joint problems due to being overweight.

How to counteract obesity?

It can be a complex question when dealing with one of the most important health problems of the 21st century; however, counteracting obesity is not as difficult a task as it may seem. Beyond treating it, the goal against obesity is to prevent it. Getting ahead of it not only avoids aesthetic problems, but also physiological ones.

1. Stay active

Keep active

One of the prevention factors for obesity is avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, as it directly affects being overweight. The muscular immobility of the organism and, consequently, the accumulation of calories or energy favors obesity. At the same time, there is evidence that sport is the best tool for weight loss.

The body needs activity and physical exercise. Walking to work helps counteract being overweight. Also, some choose to move around by bicycle, which is good for the environment. On the other hand, practicing morning exercise such as walks, scheduled bike rides and swimming help reduce the body’s fat mass and counteract obesity.

2. Medical monitoring

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is the indicator by which the weight of a person is determined. This indicator is deduced from the height and mass of the individual.

After obtaining the BMI, factors such as age and gender are reviewed. However, an annual medical check-up is recommended to rule out any type of obesity-related condition. This indicator contributes to our health care.

3. Eat properly

Eat properly

Both diet and physical activity are part of the habits of a healthy lifestyle. Carrying them out guarantees physical, psychological and physiological well-being. Nutritionists recommend exercise together with a balanced diet, since it contributes to physical performance and both things counteract obesity. It is important to avoid industrial processes, as these have been shown to promote obesity due to their sugar and trans fat content.

Preparing diets high in protein, vitamins and nutrients favors the development of lean mass (muscle) and counteracts fat deposits throughout the body. On the other hand, calories should be ingested in a balanced way throughout the day, avoiding being overweight or underweight. Also, you should avoid processed foods, rich in fat or synthetic, since they worsen health conditions considerably.

Countering Obesity: Final Comments

In conclusion, counteracting obesity is a complex task in which they must intervene :

  • The medical team, plus psychological and nutritional support.
  • The change in life habits.
  • Control of diet.
  • Physical activity.
  • The promotion of physical health in general.

It is not an easy task. However, the good news is that today there are many effective treatments for obesity, whatever its cause. The important thing is perseverance and prevention. Consult with a professional to carry out an effective plan.

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