Parisian Chocolate Flan

The Parisian flan, whether it is chocolate or not, requires few ingredients. In addition, it offers multiple preparation options, either in the form of flan or in the form of truffles, covered or not with walnuts.

Parisian chocolate flan

Also called Parisian pudding, it is a delicious  flan that is  optimal to accompany a good after-dinner coffee, whether you use the truffle form or not.


  • ¾ kilo of chocolate dipped (previously) in a little milk
  • ¾ liter of milk
  • 1 cup of vanilla or aroma


melt chocolate in a bain-marie

  • First, cut the chocolate (which we have dipped in milk) into small pieces and melt it in a water bath.
  • You should melt the chocolate slowly, without letting the water begin to boil at the bottom of the container. Also, you should stir from time to time.
  • When the chocolate is melted, set it aside. You can leave it in the container that we have used in the water bath.
  • Then, in a small saucepan, bring the milk to a boil and simmer for about 2 minutes.
  • After this time, remove from the heat and let it rest until it cools down.
  • When the heavy cream cools, combine it with the melted chocolate in a bowl and mix vigorously for about 3 minutes. Then add vanilla and mix again quickly for about 2 minutes until the mixture is smooth.


  • Then pour onto parchment paper on a square or rectangular tray and chill until firm.
  • When firm, remove from the fridge and cut into 10 × 10-centimeter squares. Then roll them to form balls. You can also make truffles out of the balls by rolling them into hand-crushed walnuts.
  • Options : you can use caramel as a chocolate coating. You can also omit the vanilla scent and add 1/4 cup of peppermint oil instead.
  • Note : if you use dark chocolate, you must use half a kilo for one and a half liters of milk.

What did you think of this recipe? It’s simple, right? Feel free to prepare this Parisian flan at home. You will love the result.

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