How To Take Care Of Your Jeans Or Jeans So That They Look Great

If there is a garment that we use on a regular basis, it is jeans or jeans. We love them and they are a staple in our more casual wardrobe.

Now, the problem we almost always have with them is that we are afraid to wash them for fear that they will lose their color or that their design will be altered with the use of certain products. What can we do?

Jeans tend to have those faded areas that give them a certain appeal. And, sometimes, with washing they become more uniform and that original shape is lost.

¿ What is the most appropriate way to wash our jeans so they look just as fabulous as the first day? Today in our space we want to give you simple solutions to this common concern.

Jeans are a very durable type of clothing


If your jeans or jeans are of good quality, they will normally last a long time. They are made of cotton, although in recent years it is common to add new elastic fibers to allow that better adaptability in the case of women’s jeans.

Some people prefer to take some time to bring them into the washing machine, for fear of losing its color. Or even more, sometimes, we are afraid that the type of jeans decorated with sequins or glitter that we like so much will also lose their designs.

  • Well-known firms such as  Levi Strauss or Tommy Hilfiger  tell us that, although it is true that jeans are very resistant, their designs or dyes are not so much. Thus, they usually recommend washing them only when necessary. Never wash them after you have used them just once.
  • A jean will have ended its useful life when the fabric is thinner, when the knees or the crotch area are frayed. Over time, if we don’t discard them, we run the risk that they will break at the least expected moment.

    Types of jeans

    It is also interesting to know that there are two types of jeans.  Two categories that can determine how we should treat them.

    • The prewashed jeans  are those that, before reaching the stores, have been treated through methods to define their designs. They are techniques such as stonewashes , sandblasting or scraping . All of them give them a “worn” air.
    • On the other hand, we also have “unwashed” jeans (it does not mean that they are dirty). They are made of a stronger and more resistant fabric. They last longer, but they are not as comfortable as the previous ones because they are somewhat stiffer.

    How to wash jeans or jeans

    Wash the jeans

    1. Better inside out

    To take care of the durability of our jeans, it is convenient that, before putting them in the washing machine, we close the zipper or buttons and turn them over. In this way we protect the outer face of the pants.

    We cannot ignore that all washing, in one way or another, is going to be abrasive to the fabric. The other pieces of clothing will collide with them, and we cannot forget that sometimes the zippers, buttons and hooks themselves can damage the color and the fabric. Better the other way around!

    2. Don’t wash them with hot water

    What hot water achieves is that the fabric is disinfected.  But, in turn, the color fades and even the pants themselves can end up shrinking.

    Better cold water.  In fact, today many washing machines have the “coldwash” program. This improves the movement of the drum and the use of cold water to treat this type of clothing that needs special care.

    3. What detergents should I use?

    Manufacturers recommend the use of liquid detergent. Now, there is a very effective trick that, in addition to being practical, is inexpensive.

    It’s about white vinegar. To do this, you will only have to add about 150 ml of white vinegar in the load of your washing machine.

    You can take the opportunity to include all the jeans in the same wash, always remembering that the program must always be cold. Never in hot water.

    You can do a first cycle with the white vinegar and then, if you wish, schedule another cycle with the fabric softener. In this way we take maximum care of color. However, as we have indicated before, manufacturers prefer liquid detergent.

    4. Don’t try to clean localized stains

    It is an inconvenient risk. With this, what we often do is damage the fabric and the color.

    In case you have very stubborn stains, you can then wash them with slightly warmer temperatures in the washing machine. But don’t do experiments.

    5. Hang your jeans immediately to dry

    When the washing machine has finished its cycles, it is necessary to immediately hang out our jeans or jeans. Otherwise, they can wrinkle, and wrinkles in these fabrics take a long time to disappear.

    In turn, both cotton and those elastic fibers with which they are designed today, can catch a bad smell.  This happens if they don’t get fresh air drying right away.

    To conclude, through some simple tips like these that we have reflected for you today, our favorite garments can last much longer. Do it like this and you will see.

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