Natural Treatments To Fight The Helicobacter Pylori Bacteria

It must be remembered that H. pylori is an infectious agent known to be the cause of stomach ulcers and other stomach diseases, such as gastritis. 

The main treatment for Helicobacter pylori bacteria   is a combination of antibiotics and other drugs. However, the action of the medicine can be reinforced with a good diet that includes certain foods that, in short, help the body to recover and, in turn, weaken the invader.

Here are some natural products that can be very useful to combat this bacteria. However, it must be clarified that, you should consult your doctor before using them, since the professional is the one who can best advise you.

Once the doctor tells us what is best for our condition, it is essential to follow his instructions and take care of both diet and hygiene to achieve a true recovery.

Natural ingredients to fight Helicobacter pylori bacteria

While research continues on what may be the definitive way to eradicate the Helicobacter pylori bacteria  , without causing harm to the body, the recommendation is maintained not to disregard the doctor’s instructions and, if necessary, use natural remedies as a complement and never as the main treatment. 

1. Lemongrass essential oil

In a study conducted by Japanese researchers in 2003, a total of 13 essential oils, including lemon verbena oil, were used to combat H. pylori. 

It was considered that, since this plant has properties that promote good digestion, among other related qualities, it could help eradicate the bacteria. The researchers concluded that the use of essential oils with antibacterial properties has the potential to safely treat this bacteria. 

2. Propolis

Another natural ingredient that has been used in some research has been propolis. This is a substance known to have antibiotic and bactericidal properties that, in turn, strengthen the defenses and, therefore, help fight diseases such as gastritis.

The resin of bees is a substance that these insects use to protect their hive. Therefore, it is considered that it can be used as a natural treatment to eliminate the Helicobacter pylori bacteria .

3. Ginger


Ginger root is used in a variety of recipes and is known worldwide to help relieve sore throats, colds and flu. The consumption of ginger is also usually recommended as a remedy to combat heartburn, nausea, dizziness, among other discomforts. 

4. Turmeric

This spice of Asian origin has multiple properties that can be used in medicine and, therefore, studies have also been carried out on its action against problems such as H. pylori infection. To date, it is used, especially in cases of discomfort due to dyspepsia or indigestion.

5. Cabbage or white cabbage

This food also has properties capable of fighting Helicobacter pylori bacteria  , as long as it is eaten raw. It should be noted that, like broccoli, this food can also cause flatulence.

To consume it, you can prepare a salad with the finely chopped cabbage leaves and garnish them with a little vinegar and lemon. Another option is to drink it in a smoothie.

6. Broccoli

Broccoli calcium

Some studies indicate that broccoli sprouts can help fight  H. pylori bacteria thanks to their high content of a particular phytonutrient called: sulforaphane.

Other measures to consider

To combat this bacterium, the ideal is to increase the consumption of foods with antibiotic, bactericidal and vitamin-rich properties, such as garlic, onion, echinacea, ginger, thyme, rosemary, mint and honey.

Other foods that can be of great help in the diet are those probiotics that contain lactobacilli and bifidus; Although they do not destroy the bacteria as such, they can inhibit it, at the same time that they counteract symptoms such as: headache, morning sickness and dyspepsia.

A person affected by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria should try to avoid sugars, refined flours and rice in their diet. Instead, you should increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, and water.

Lastly, an alkalizing drink can help promote relief from the symptoms of the disease. An example of this is the mixture of raw potato, celery and carrot.

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