5 Recommended Foods To Prevent Osteoarthritis

Did you know that a diet high in fiber can help relieve inflammation and pain associated with osteoarthritis? Although it is a chronic pea disease, it can alleviate its symptoms.

The joints are located in the bone endings of the body, they are responsible for protecting the condyles and play a fundamental role in the movement of the lower and upper extremities. Its overuse can cause various ailments, among which osteoarthritis stands out.

Between each joint is a segment of cartilage, which prevents the bones from rubbing. However, the passage of time causes gradual wear, which causes pain and inflammation. In this way the movement is considerably reduced and with it, the freedom to carry out different activities (sports or common).

Talking about osteoarthritis can be complex, let alone having it. Just imagining the immense pain, and the disability associated with it, scares anyone. Fortunately, this can be prevented.

More on osteoarthritis

In itself, the pain present during this condition is due to the inflammatory process and not to tissue degeneration. However, swelling is the main reaction to cell wear.

Despite their relationship, some periods of osteoarthritis are not painful (with a few exceptions, where the discomfort appears out of nowhere).

A determining factor against pain revolves around detection. Each person’s body is different, as is the tolerance for certain ailments. Simply put, resistance to it depends on the sensitivity of the patient.

Although it takes its toll at night hours, it is not an impediment to sustaining a comfortable sleep. The curious thing about osteoarthritis is that the pain is present for indeterminate times, being inconstant.

Diet and osteoarthritis

Food is characterized as one of the most important habits in humans, since it directly influences the health of the body. From brain to heart, even the appearance of hair and nails depends on diet.

Osteoarthritis can also get better or worse with regard to our food choices. Thus, the relationship between the two has been the subject of different studies. However, we cannot forget that it is a chronic disease.

Within the diet, the scientific community confirms that fiber is one of the main components to prevent and treat disease. So the idea is to include certain types of foods in the diet.

1. Whole grain cereal

Within the diet there is a myth associated with whole grains, which is a reality. This points them out as a perfect source of fiber.

Oat flakes, x-germ and wheat bran, and corn flakes are the main whole grains. These should be included in the regular diet in order to prevent or treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Although they can be eaten at any time of the day, breakfast is a good time to eat these food items.

2. Lentils

They are perhaps one of the most powerful and nutritious foods. Lentils are not only characterized by their exquisite flavor, but by their immense amounts of fiber: a cup (200 grams) gives us about 15 grams.

Added to this component are minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron, excellent nutrients to strengthen joints and cartilage.

To include lentils in our diet, we can consume them cooked at least 2 times a week, to satisfy our health and palate.

Remember that, in addition to lentils, all legumes and vegetables, mainly cauliflower, tomato, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, carrot will help improve the condition. Its content in anti-inflammatory phytonutrients contribute to facilitate the management of the pathology, according to research published in Phytomedicine .

3. Raspberries and red fruits

Assorted red fruits.

Fruits also have an important representative with regard to fiber intake: it is raspberries. A cup (150 grams) gives us 8 grams, approximately.

Besides, they also provide a significant amount of calcium and potassium, appropriate nutrients to prevent osteoarthritis.

Researchers suspect that substances called anthocyanins have anti-inflammatory effects. Anthocyanins are found in red and purple fruits, such as strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries.

4. Cherries

Cherries contain active compounds that can help relieve arthritic pain.  The sour cherries, botanically called Prunus cerasus or sour cherry and the sweet cherries or Prunus avium.

Recent research suggests that sweet cherries have anti-inflammatory properties that could be helpful in treating inflammatory disorders like Arthritis; It is estimated that they could be up to 10 times stronger than aspirin, in fighting inflammation and without risk of side effects.

5. Peas

Recognized for their antioxidant properties, peas or peas cannot be left out of the list of foods suitable for preventing osteoporosis. Its contribution of about 16 grams of fiber per cup (110 grams) confirms this.

Among its components, iron also stands out, which complements very well with fiber.

Osteoarthritis can be managed by adjusting the diet

Finally, we remember that osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease and, to this day, there is no known method to cure it. However, it can be prevented and treated in different ways, and diet is one of the most effective.

Remember, eating healthy helps the body perform all its functions correctly and thus minimize the risk of suffering from different health problems.

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