Do You Suffer From Back And Neck Pain? We’ll Show You What To Do

The constant use of new technologies can cause back and neck pain, especially due to the postures we adopt when using it. Sometimes it can even radiate up to the arms.

To solve it, we can incorporate a routine of  exercises and activities that help us relax the muscles  and mitigate the pain.

Muscle contractures, triggers of back and neck pain

Contractures are injuries that arise  when muscle fibers contract too much,  usually after enduring great tension. This is when the “knots” appear. The muscle has less ability to move, so it cannot return to a relaxed position.

The contracture is exacerbated by the weakness of the muscles. The more weakened they are, the greater the pain. We don’t normally use our back and neck muscles actively, so they tend to be more sensitive to pain.

Therefore, doing exercises to strengthen them is essential. It is also advisable to adopt lifestyle habits that eliminate stress,  to avoid the tension that can cause contractions.

Exercises to avoid back and neck pain

Make sure you are sitting in the correct position.  Taking the lotus pose is recommended, but if you can’t, sit comfortably with your back straight.

Inhale, begin to fill the lungs and carry up to the abdomen, and exhale emptying the abdomen and lungs of air. Do several repetitions, it is a highly recommended practice to relax.

1. Turn your head left and right

  • Keep your neck in the center.
  • Turn your head to the left and to the right, as you say “no.”
  • Increase the amplitude gradually, until turning the head 90ยบ from the center.
  • Repeat this five times on each side.

2. Tilt the head towards the back and chest

  • Keep your neck in the center and your back straight.
  • Bring your head back, as if you want to touch the back.
  • Put your head forward, as if you were going to bump your chin against your chest.
  • Increase the amplitude gradually.
  • Repeat 5 times.
  • Do it calmly, it is not necessary to run.

3. Tilt your headBack and neck pain

Apart from doing the exercises, try to dedicate leisure time to yourself. Enjoy, it is the best way to prevent stress.

Make a list of the activities you enjoy the most and incorporate them into your daily life to the best of your ability. Good health is the conjunction of a good physical and mental state. The moment one of the two fails, the other suffers, so think, what don’t you do and would you like to do?

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