5 Steps To Do A Skin Self-exam

It is important that you know well the steps to do a skin self-exam, in this way you will not miss any unusual sign. Write them down!

It is good that you learn to do a skin self-exam every so often. There is no one who can know your body more than yourself.

The skin is constantly exposed to different environmental factors. It is the most extensive organ and also important for the well-being of the organism.

  • We must be aware of any changes that we can observe in it.
  • Everything is important and is worth taking into account.

With a few simple steps you can do a skin self-exam. If necessary, go as quickly as possible to a specialist and find the solution.

  • Remember that the early detection of any disease is the key to its early improvement.

There are various diseases that can affect the skin, some more serious than others, but all of great importance. Do not let them pass and take the self-exam.

So pay close attention to how to do a skin self-exam. Try to detail every inch so that you can notice even the smallest change. So you can monitor the signals that your body gives you.

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Steps for skin self-examination

1. Find the necessary implements

The first thing you should do is find a place with adequate lighting.  It can be a room or the bathroom, the important thing is that the light allows you to observe well and that you also feel comfort.

  • If you can have privacy or be with someone in whom you feel full confidence, much better.

For this you will need a wall mirror and a hand mirror. If the wall mirror is full-length, much better, since this way you can cover a larger area.

It is recommended that you have a comb on hand to check your scalp. You also need a bench for your lower body assessment.

2. Facing the mirror

You must stand in front of the wall mirror and very carefully you are going to check the skin of your face.

Remember that every millimeter is important, so take your time. To start, take a good look around:

  • The eyes.
  • The eyelids.
  • The corner of the lips.
  • All sides of the nose.
  • The skin of the ears.

In this case, you may need the hand mirror to be able to look at the back of your ears. You must take into account the general condition of the skin, if it is dry or if there is too much sebum.

In the same way, you should notice if it presents any color change, appearance of spots, freckles or moles. If you detect them, you should look at the size, the edges and the coloration.

3. Scalp review

  • With the help of the comb, you will carefully divide your hair into several parts. Reviewing each sector carefully.
  • Using the hand mirror, visualize the back and the area behind the ears.
  • If you have moles, look at the coloration, the edges or if they have had an increase in size.

In the same way, you should check if you present any prominence or any inflammation, or if you present sites of alopecia.

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4. Trunk check

You should go down little by little and checking the skin of the neck and chest . In the case of women, they should carefully check the breasts and under them; the abdomen, the arms, the skin of the elbows, and also the armpit area.

  • In these areas of the skin, there is usually dryness and an unpleasant appearance, due to the direct influence of the sun.

In the same way on the skin of the hands, you should check on both sides and between the fingers and the nails.

  • Remember that this is a part of the body that has a lot of exposure, therefore, it is very easy to detect signs there.

    Using the hand mirror, take a close look at the shoulder area and lower back area. Try running your hand at different angles, in order to notice any different texture, bumps, nodules, or also warts.

    5. Record what you see

    You can write down the signs that you find in your observation in a notebook or diary.

    It would also be a good idea if there is something that is very disturbing, you make a photographic record with date. So you can see the state of your skin and compare it with previous records.

    The skin is the largest organ in the body and is worth taking care of. Do not forget to take these simple steps to do a self-exam of the skin and see what state it is (approximately).

    Also, if you find something that worries you and that you think warrants specialized attention, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist.

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