9 Foods To Stop And Prevent Hair Loss

To nourish the hair from within and promote its growth, it is very important that we provide our body with foods that provide us with vitamins and minerals.

There are those who spend large sums of money on cosmetic hair products in order to keep their hair strong, shiny and healthy. While many work well and leave your hair looking radiant, sometimes they are not enough to provide you with all the nutrients you need.

And, although we usually ignore it, daily nutrition plays a very important role in capillary health. Especially if we want to prevent the problem of falling. A nutritional deficiency can cause hair fibers to weaken. This, over time, leads to its loss of volume.

The good news is that it is an easy condition to control, as it is enough to make a few modifications to your diet and add the nutrients you need.

Taking advantage of the space that we have below, we are going to share those 9 foods that you should add to your diet to combat it. Take note!

1. Carrots

grated carrot

Carrot is one of the healthiest vegetables for healthy skin and hair. This is due to its significant contribution of beta carotenes, which are synthesized in the body as vitamin A.

This nutrient helps fight oxidative stress. In addition, it  is essential for the proper absorption of oils in the scalp and for the prevention of weakness.

2. Salmon

The omega 3 fatty acids and proteins that salmon contains are essential to strengthen hair follicles and reduce hair loss. These lipids have an anti-inflammatory power that delays cellular aging, according to an article published in the journal “Currente Neuropharmacology.”

These nutrients help regulate the production of oil in the scalp and improve blood circulation. In addition, they control excess dryness and breakage.

3. Wheat germ to prevent hair loss

wheat germ

As a complement to shampoos and treatments to stop the problem of hair loss, the regular consumption of wheat germ is recommended.

In addition, this food is a source of nutrients that promote growth and combat hair loss. These include:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vegetable proteins.
  • Copper.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Dietary fiber.

4. Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds have properties and nutrients that help to achieve long, abundant and strong hair.

These foods contain fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties. Also in its composition are a series of substances with antioxidant capacity, according to a study published in 2019.

Likewise, among its components we find:

  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamins of the B complex.
  • Potassium.
  • Iron.
  • Selenium.
  • Calcium.
  • Proteins

5. Oats

oat spoon

Oatmeal is considered one of the most complete cereals due to its high nutritional value.

Its properties help increase physical and mental performance. In addition, they help  strengthen the immune system and improve circulation. They also have several benefits on an aesthetic level.

In the case of hair, it stands out for its contribution of micronutrients, such as B vitamins and proteins. These are essential to keep you strong.

It also contains minerals like zinc and copper. These nutrients help strengthen the hair follicle, curbing the problem of excessive loss.

6. Egg to strengthen your hair

Both the consumption and the external application of eggs are excellent to keep the mane healthy, abundant and strong. This food contains large amounts of protein, one of the main components of hair fibers.

These, added to its content of biotin, selenium and iron, make it one of the most recommended food options to promote hair health. Biotin, in particular, is part of the B complex group of vitamins and is vital for hair to grow shiny and healthy.

7. Red meat

Red meat

Although excessive consumption of red meat is not recommended, the body needs it in moderate amounts to obtain large amounts of protein, B vitamins and iron.

These nutrients are closely linked to hair health and their consumption is recommended to avoid excessive loss.

8. Dried beans

Dried beans or kidney beans are legumes rich in protein, fiber and B vitamins that promote healthy hair growth.

In addition, its important contribution of zinc, vitamin C and iron also protects hair health by helping to avoid excessive loss.

9. Walnuts


the nuts and other nuts are excellent options to calm hunger in moments of anxiety without damaging the diet.

Additionally, these foods contain healthy oils, proteins, and antioxidants. These not only help to take care of the skin, but also improve the health of the hair.

Improve your diet to avoid hair loss

Keep in mind that consuming these ingredients alone will not work to alleviate your hair loss problem. Include them in your regular diet and supplement them with a good amount of water a day and a topical treatment.

In addition, the practice of regular exercise has an antioxidant capacity that helps fight against the signs of aging, hair loss being one of them.

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