5 Habits So That Exercising After 50 Is Not A Problem

What exercise are you doing right now? How are you preparing to reach 50 in good shape? We tell you about 5 customs that you can apply on a day-to-day basis for a better future.

How old are you? Do you think that when you reach 50 years old you will feel good and will be prepared to have a quality life? If you are concerned about not having the ability to exercise after 50, start developing good habits now so that you can enjoy better health and well-being in your day-to-day life.

Every day more people become aware of the importance of maintaining health. Those who have always been active for most of their lives do not have a great deal of concern about their birthday. However, for those who were sedentary, reaching this advanced stage can be worrisome.

Reasons to exercise after age 50

Many people think that when they reach old age there are few things to worry about. After all, the children are adults and the obligations may be minimal. If you have this way of thinking, you should know that the lack of physical activity can cause the following problems :

  • Poor cognitive dexterity, according to research published in the Journal of Neurology .
  • Decrease in muscle mass, tone and flexibility.
  • Loss of motor skills.
  • Decreased speed when moving from one side to the other.

5 habits to exercise after 50 years

If you are a person who enjoys taking care of yourself, surely the aforementioned effects do not please you in the least. In that case, we recommend exercising after 50, although you should take note of certain precautions first. Write down the following actions for everyday life!

1. Pay attention to the pain

Exercising after 50 is great, but you need to be on the lookout for sore muscles.

Surely you’ve heard the saying that “if it hurts, it works.” Many people believe that exercise must create some kind of pain as proof that it is working. This is not like this; in fact, if you notice that there are discomforts of any kind, you should analyze whether it always occurs or only with certain activities.

Exercising after 50 means taking certain preventive measures. One of them is the change of sports.

For example, if you have symptoms of osteoporosis, try switching from high-impact exercises to low-impact exercises. In other words, instead of going for a run, walk or do yoga.

In case your lifestyle has always been healthy and with exercise, only pay attention to the changes that you may require. One of them may be speed reduction. Don’t worry about this, it is just because the body is changing.

2. Monitor the health of the spine

Have your favorite sports always been climbing and other extreme sports? Well, exercising after 50 can lead to back pain if you do these sports.

Unfortunately, the body is changing and it may be advisable to stop certain activities. This is not always the case, but sometimes the spine can give you those signs.

In most cases it is not necessary to make these changes. However, if the body is not ready for the effort you demand of it or if you are predisposed to suffer certain injuries, now you may see the consequences.

3. Pamper yourself after exercising after 50

The tension generated after exercising after 50 can be lessened with a good bath.

There is scientific evidence, such as a study published by the Ibero-American Journal of Exercise and Sports Psychology, which indicates that physical activity is positively linked to happiness in older people.

To enhance this state of well-being and satisfaction, after a good sports routine, take a break and pamper your body. For this, you have several options :

  • Take a shower with lukewarm water to relax you. Plus, it can help you avoid soreness and pain the next day.
  • Take a bath with soothing oils. Perhaps you agree that few things are as pleasant as taking a delicious-smelling bath. Give yourself time to enjoy the moment and get in touch with your body.

    Whether you choose one alternative or the other, you can take the opportunity to give yourself a massage if you feel tense. According to a study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine, post- exercise massages help reduce inflammation and muscle damage that may have occurred.

    4. Avoid sedentary lifestyle

    Practice whatever activity you want, but do it. Exercising after 50 when you used to have a routine full of work and taking care of your family can make you lazy.

    However, sitting on the couch can make you feel unproductive and even depressed. In addition, as a study published in the Medical Journal of Chile warns , sedentary lifestyle is related to cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies. For this reason, we advise you the following:

    1. Go for walks on foot or by bicycle.
    2. Do a yoga session at home.
    3. Take the dog for a half hour or more .
    4. Enroll in any sport class or discipline that motivates you.

    5. Keep your balance and enjoy

    Just because you want to exercise after 50 and have more free time doesn’t mean you should go overboard. Therefore, it can help to include several activities that are fun for you instead of implementing a 3-hour sports routine.

    Don’t think exercising after 50 is useless

    If you’ve spent your entire life avoiding exercise, you may think you no longer need it. Forget that idea completely and motivate yourself to be a healthier person.

    There are very good reasons for doing so, but the most important is that it can help you to be healthier and more independent. Courage and move!

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