How To Cope With Children’s Falls

If we remain calm when our children fall, we can treat them effectively and without drama

Are you worried about children’s falls? From the moment they start walking, they want to run, jump, and play all day. However, at every stage of learning there are stumbling blocks. For this reason, it is completely normal that when children are on one of their adventures they fall and suffer a blow or injury.

Often times, the injuries that arise as a result of children’s falls are as harmless as they are . In general, they are scratches or bruises that go away almost immediately with some cream, ice and the care of mom and dad.

As a mother, you must be prepared for children’s falls and you must know how to deal with this situation in the best way. On the other hand, this should not be an obstacle to the development and motivation of your child, but a learning.

Tips for coping with falls as children

To avoid despair in those moments we give you a series of tips that you can apply when one of your children is injured, these will help you handle these situations without drama and see the positive side, if there is one.

1. Check the severity of the blow

Falls in children can be caused by a number of reasons. From something as simple as tripping over a stone while walking to falling off the bike while learning to ride it.

In any case, the first thing you should do is check the blow that the child has caused in the fall . It can be just a scrape on the knees, or something more complex like a sprain or injury that requires the intervention of a doctor.

To check the wound, remember that you must have your hands disinfected and avoid applying any cream or giving any medication without knowing exactly what it is.

2. keep calm

Your attitude is the same that your child will take in these situations, remember that you are his example to follow. Therefore, the main thing in these cases is that you stay calm. If you allow yourself to be carried away by the stress and uncertainty of the moment, you can make the problem more serious than it is.

When your child falls, it is normal for you to feel distress. If he sees you desperate and not knowing what to do, he will panic and his fear will increase, as will the pain he feels.

This does not mean that as a parent you are indifferent to these situations or that you repress your feelings. On the contrary, show him that you care about him , but don’t lose control of your emotions. This will help the child calm down and both of you can think clearly.

3. Use the first aid kit

First aid kit

It is important that at home you put together a first aid kit and have it on hand for any unforeseen event that may arise. However, be very careful about the location of medications, as it is not advisable to leave them within the reach of children.

If you are going out for a walk, you should bring your first aid kit , you never know when you will need it . In addition, children are very restless, they are always playing, jumping and running from one place to another, and despite your constant warnings, sometimes children’s falls are inevitable.

You can build different models and sizes of medicine cabinet. You can take it with you everywhere, in the car or even in your purse. In this you can include basic objects such as:

  • Cotton
  • Antiseptic solution
  • Alcohol
  • Gauze
  • Antibiotic cream
  • Acetaminophen / Paracetamol
  • Instant cold packs
  • Calamine cream
  • Thermometer
  • Scotch tape
  • Gloves
  • Scissor

4. Ask your little one how he feels

Mother hugging her tearful daughter

When your child has an accident, they can feel helpless, exposed, and in pain. The best thing you can do is support him and tell him that not all falls are serious , and that you will always be by his side to protect him.

It is important that you ask your little one how much pain he is feeling. Just as there are visible injuries, there are also injuries that go unnoticed, such as sprains and fractures.

Depending on the intensity of the pain, you can determine if it is necessary to take it to the clinic or if a break will be enough for the discomfort to disappear.

5. Call your trusted doctor

If you notice that the pain persists, that the wound is very deep or that the bleeding does not stop, the ideal thing is to call your trusted doctor. In general, calling your family doctor will help you know what to do to stop bleeding, reduce inflammation, or reduce pain. The next step is to take him to the clinic so that he can be seen by professionals and both of you can feel more calm.

What are the consequences of children’s falls?

Children’s falls in most cases affect the head area,  and although most are not serious, it is necessary that you pay attention to the blow and that it be checked.

The blows to the head can be mild, moderate or severe. The last two compromise the child’s state of consciousness and therefore must be cared for in a clinic by specialist doctors. The minor blows are those that do not generate a significant disorder of the state of reason.

Therefore, it is important that you identify how the blow was, where it fell from, what type of surface it hit, in order to determine the severity of the consequences of the impact.

On the other hand, if it is a wound  that bled, you should disinfect it immediately . Not doing it or doing it afterwards could cause your child infections, as well as a lot of pain.


Baby next to a first aid kit

Children are very prone to accidents during childhood. Falls, bumps and scratches are very common in your day to day. Therefore, it is very important that as a parent you are prepared to help your child in the event of an accident.

Beyond being his hero, caring for him and healing his wounds, it is extremely important that you encourage him to continue despite his stumbling blocks.

Children’s falls, for the most part, are not serious. If you teach your child to get up after a stumble, you will make him a brave adult in the future capable of overcoming adversity. Also, this will contribute to a healthy and happy development.

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