A Perfect Diet To Lose Weight Quickly

There are many diets or eating patterns that help you lose weight quickly and in a healthy way. Therefore, it is not necessary to adopt any “miracle diet” overnight that can compromise long-term health. Among the healthy models, we can mention the Harvard dish and the Mediterranean diet.

Losing weight quickly sounds very attractive, but don’t just want to show off a certain figure. You have to know how to find a way to lose weight in a healthy way, without imposing an eating model that involves punishment and limits when eating.

Ideally, you should adopt a healthy diet that allows you to enjoy the different food groups and helps you make the right decisions on a day-to-day basis, so you can get all the nutrients you need to be energetic and healthy.

Foods included in the diet to lose weight quickly

The main idea is that you reduce the consumption of calories from sugars and fats, with what is called a hypocaloric diet. We are going to explain what foods you can take to lose weight quickly.

Dairy products

First of all, you have the dairy. The most advisable thing is that these are skimmed, to reduce the consumption of fats. You can add skim milk or yogurt and fresh cheese to your diet.

In the case of taking vegetable drinks without added sugar, such as soy, almond or rice milk. Some people consider that it is best to choose the presentations that are enriched with calcium, but in the end this will depend on your preferences.

Vegetables, fruits and legumes

On the other hand, you have the vegetables. These foods are recommended for any diet, so it will be important to include them in all meals as a garnish and in dinners as the main ingredient.

Some of the many vegetables you can count on are lettuce, tomato, cucumber, vegetables like carrots or zucchini, crucifers like broccoli and cabbage, or mushrooms.

Fruits are also among the most recommended elements in any diet. Ideally, you should eat two or three pieces of fruit a day, which you can include at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And they are a magnificent aperitif, the perfect option to calm hunger between meals.

Next, you have the cereals and legumes. This type of food provides a lot of energy. Therefore, add to the diet a measure of a handful of any type of cereal or legume. In the case of pasta, it is recommended that you choose the integral type to avoid highly refined products.

Protein and fat

Different types of protein

You should also take into account the foods that provide you protein, such as eggs, meat or fish. In the case of eggs, you can take between three and four a week. The meat should be white in most cases, limiting the consumption of red meat to twice a week.

As for fish, it is best to increase your consumption to reduce meat, with a minimum of four or five times a week, between blue fish and white fish.

Finally, oils and fats should be reduced by about two or three tablespoons a day. You can use this amount of oil for cooking or to season foods.

Precisely, it will be in these fat and meat reductions where the key will be to limit calorie intake and get results with this diet to lose weight quickly.

Combining foods in the diet to lose weight

To facilitate the distribution of food throughout the day, it is best to follow a scheme that facilitates the organization of meals. In this way, you can be sure of taking the necessary amounts of each food and maintaining a balanced diet.


To start the day, have a dairy, such as a coffee with skim milk, and some cereal. You can use two turkey toasts, which give you both energy and protein for breakfast.

Later, in the middle of the morning, the ideal would be to have a fruit-based snack, such as two kiwis, a banana or an orange. In this way, you can alleviate hunger until mealtime.


Vegetables cooked with chicken.

At lunchtime, have a first course with vegetables, cereals and legumes, such as a zucchini cream or baked potatoes.

For the second course you prepare some protein food, trying to limit fats, such as grilled chicken or salmon. Finally, the dessert will be a dairy like a skimmed yogurt.


In the afternoon you can have a fruit-based snack, as with the mid-morning snack. In this way, you can meet the amount of fruit daily, taking a banana or an apple.


It follows the same structure as for food, only with less quantity. Prepare vegetables in a green salad or some grilled mushrooms and a protein food, such as sole, hake or an omelette. Finally, you can have another dairy, such as a glass of hot milk or low-fat yogurt.

To keep in mind!

This is a diet that will allow you to lose weight quickly, but remember that you must accompany it with proper hydration. Also, it is important that you get some exercise every day.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that nutritional needs may vary depending on age, health status and habits. Therefore, if you have illnesses or any special condition, you should consult the nutritionist to design a plan according to your needs.

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